Sunday, February 19, 2023

CSU Monterey Bay Eats its Own

Hat tip Campus Reform

You have to wonder why any professor would want to teach at California State University at Monterey Bay unless he or she were so "woke" they would have no worries about being reported by students to the university.

This week, CSU-Monterey Bay is in the spotlight after it advised its "students of color" (which I consider a patronizing and asinine term in itself, to report any undue stress imposed upon them on campus or in the classroom. And we are not talking about the truly ugly indignities and violence that were once prevalent in the country, but something as innocent as a student who feels he or she is not called upon in class often enough when they raise their hands.

You talk about a boss who doesn't have your back.

I have checked the campus website/campus news and the campus newspaper, and I see nothing about this matter. Perhaps, in the coming days, they will address it.

I think a couple of points are being overlooked in this controversy. First of all, as I have said many times, America is not back in the 1950s. That is not to say that some minority communities are not struggling with problems, particularly the inner city black communities. They are dealing with crime, low education, drugs, gangs, and violence. But as Larry Elder has stated many times, white racism is very low on the list of problems facing black Americans. In Elder's view (he is a black conservative commentator who is nationally syndicated), the biggest root cause of the problems facing black  Americans is an out-of-wedlocjk birth rate of over 70%. In the darkest days of  segregation and discrimination some 70 years ago, it was 25%. Many young black children are being raised without a father. That is tragic. Why is it that we have this seemingly illogical statistic? I can think of no other reason than the well-intentioned welfare system that has discouraged two-parent families.

Returning to the universities, I reject the idea that black and other minority students are vulnerable on college campuses. On the contrary, the "woke" universities bend over backward to cater to their minority students (maybe not so much the Asian students, and certainly not the Jewish students). "Students (and professors) of color" are put on a pedestal, and white students, professors and people in general are demonized as some sort of racists, privileged grandsons of slave owners who are the Eternal Enemy of "people of color". That may have been true 60-70 years ago, especially in the Souith, where segregation carried the force of local and state laws, but it is not true today.

In short, we are not the enemy. Nobody is trying to keep black and brown students down on university campuses. Everything about campus life today follows politically correct guidelines. So now we are reaching the point that our own universities are laying down rules, supposed to ensure "inclusivity" that are the exact opposite. Our universities are starting to resemble universities in Germany between 1933-1945, where Jewish students and teachers had no place, and those of the Soviet Union. Opposing views (conservative, pro-Israel, pro-America, Republican, etc) are not welcome. Peruse any university campus paper, and you will 99% of the content is liberal. Only occasionally does a conservative student get an op-ed published. As for the subject of Jews, the pro-Palestinian movement has successfully isolated and harassed Jewish students on campus over the Israeli-Palestinian conflict-with virtual impunity from the universities.

Another point I want to make is that this kind of wokeness and "concern" for minority students is basically treating them like small, handicapped children who cannot make it through life on their own without societal assistance. That is an insult, and one could argue that, in a perverse way, it is racist in itself. During the Civil Rights era, blacks wanted one thing: equality and equal opportunity to get a good education, a good job and to be treated as equals. That is what the country has been striving for for decades-until now. Now every white person is thought to be Bull Connor.

Finally, can anyone really argue that this kind of wokesnss in academia is designed to bring people together-at a time in our history where we need to stand together? No way. When Lenin and his Soviet cronies and successors were plotting how to bring about the downfall of the West, they could not have devised any better tactic than dividing Americans by race. And divided we are. Some of it is naturally due to the natural course of events over the decades. But I believe that much of this is devised by people within our country who literally want to bring it down. That includes many in government who are running this country today.

So here we are. A university in California has told its "students of color" to report teachers who have slighted them just because they raised their hand and were not called on.

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