Friday, October 14, 2022

Giorgia Meloni in Spain, October 2021

Giorgia Meloni is the leader of the conservative Italian political party, Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy) and the incoming prime minister of her country. She is a firebrand who promises to bring sweeping changes to her country in terms of illegal migration and Italy's relationship to the EU. For that, her detractors falsely accuse her of being a fascist.

This week, I came across her speech in Madrid last October at the Viva 2021 event hosted by the conservative Spanish party, Vox, headed by Santi Abascal. Meloni spoke for almost 20 minutes in fluent Spanish and wowed the crowd.

I am posting this speech via YouTube which comes with English subtitles. It can be accessed here.


  1. Considering the shelf-life of an Italian Prime Minister, I wouldn't get my hopes up too high.

  2. I lived five years in Italy. I am all too aware of that. But these are crucial times in Italy and Europe, and if she can succeed in carrying out her agenda, it will be monumental.
