Sunday, September 18, 2022

Martha's Vineyard Rolls Out the "Welcome Mat"

 Thanks to Fredrik



  1. What's the issue here? When Desantis's stunt brought a bunch of immigrants there, they gave them shelter and fed them. They then were given the option to go to a base at Cape Cod where they had better facilities. I know that the right-wing talking-point is that they were "deported", but that's a distortion of the truth.

    What's really screwed up about this is that you're taking issue with them and not Desantis. Why is the governor of Florida sending immigrants in Texas to Martha's Vineyard in the first place? To make some kind of a point? Using human beings? It's disgusting.

    Even if they received lousy treatment at Martha's Vineyard, the disgust needs to start with Desantis's actions, which you don't seem to have a problem with. But hey, who cares if foreigners are used as a prop? You have a "save the Christians" logo on your home page. How about you act like one? You know that The Bible consistently speaks of treating strangers with kindness, right? Is bussing them to make a political point the sort of thing you see Jesus doing?

    Do you have even the slightest sense of decency?

  2. I am confused. You ask why the governor of Florida is "sending immigrants in Texas to Martha's Vineyard in the first place". Good question. How does the governor of Florida get his hands on people in Texas? I suspect that these people (apparently from Venezuela) were in Florida.

    Secondly, you don't know what my position is on these movements of migrants, refugees etc from Texas and Florida to places like Martha's Vineyard because I have not stated it on this blog till now. Personally, I am not too comfortable with it myself. So I do have a shred of human decency, Mr Anonymous. I particularly feel for people from Venenzuela given their treatment by their fascist government.

    My point is that this does not represent a "humanitarian crisis" in Martha's Vineyard. The real humanitarian crisis is on our border, which is swamped not only by illegal immigrants (whatever their reasons for coming) but also by drug traffickers (especially fentanyl), human traffickers, gangs, and cartels. But to the likes of the denizens of Martha's Vineyard, Biden, Harris and Mayorkas, there is no human crisis because the border is more secure than ever. Do you see the hypocrisy here? Where is your concern for the people living near the border? Where is your concern for the Border Partol agents who rather than being allowed to do their job at great risk to their lives, have been forced to become baby sitters and processers?

  3. Let's backtrack a bit here. You posted an image of a poster from Martha's Vineyard that stated their values and then asked, "Really?" Not sure how that's a way to say that "this does not represent a humanitarian crisis" as you just claimed was your initial point.

    The obvious interpretation is that you're questioning whether those really are their values, considering that it doesn't say anything about a "humanitarian crisis" one way or the other. And the answer to that is: yes. Those immigrants came to Martha's Vineyard and were treated with respect and given food and shelter.

    So, yes, really.

    As for the migrants and where they were, just read the news. They were in Texas and Desantis had them flown to Martha's Vineyard. The point was to somehow show those East Coast liberals that they don't like immigrants in their neighborhood either, but the actions of the citizens of MV showed otherwise.

    So, what we have here are conservatives being cruel and liberals being kind. That's the sum total of this story.

    As for the "border crisis", isn't it weird how when you look at an electoral map, the border counties tend to skew liberal/Democrat? That's true for California, New Mexico, Arizona, and most of Texas (just talking border counties here).

    Gotta wonder if the "border crisis" is hyped up by the right-wing to scare the folks who don't live anywhere near there.

    I also have to wonder about the border guards "not being able to do their jobs". I keep reading stories about all kinds of drugs, criminals, etc. being stopped at the border. I guess they're all just turning themselves in?

    But hey, don't let facts get in the way of some good ol' populist fear-mongering.

  4. It turns out that you are correct that the immigrants were initially in TExas and De Santis arranged for them to be flown to MV. I am puzzled how they could do that, and I am not at all comfortable with that.

    If the denizens of MV treated the arrivals with kindness, fine and dandy. They got 50 people. How many people do the people in the border states receive? Tens of thousands. Maybe people in Martha Vineyard want to welcome illegal immigrants, but if so, they should be willing to receive the tens of thousands that the border states get and not just 50.
    I stand by what I said. The real humanitarian crisis is on the border (both sides).

  5. I'm glad that you're not comfortable with what DeSantis did, and I don't think that anybody is even disputing that's what he did. Not only that, but these people were lied to. They were told that they'd be taken to Boston and would have jobs waiting for them.

    From my understanding, what DeSantis did was illegal. (And if it isn't, it certainly should be.)
