Friday, September 30, 2022

France: Fugitive Imam Nabbed in Belgium

We have previously reported on the flight of Imam Hassan Iquioussen from France in order to avoid an expulsion order. This came as a result of the imam's history of inflammatory remarks about Jews and others in his sermons. Today, it is announced that Iquioussen has been arrested near Mons, Belgium. 

The below article from today's Le Figaro is translated by Fousesquawk.

Imam Hassan Iquioussen, subject of a European arrest warrant, arrested in Belgium

The Moroccan preacher, on the run, is charged in France for remarks deemed contrary to the values of the Republic.

Imam Hassan Iquioussen, subject of a European arrest warrant submitted by the French judiciary, has been arrested in Belgium, the Belgian Justice Minister informed Agence France Presse. "I can confirm to you that he was arrested today by the police," declared Minister Vincent Van Quickenborne.

The preacher, charged in France for remarks contrary to the values of the Republic, is under an expulsion order signed July 28 by Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin. The preacher, born in France 58 years ago, but of Moroccan nationality, is classified S (for state security) by the DGSI (General Directorate for Internal Security) since 18 months ago, according to (Darmanin).  

Charged for remarks deemed contrary to the values of the Republic, he could not be located by the police at his residence in Lourches, near Valenciennes after the issuance of the expulsion order by the Counsel of State. He was then subject of a European arrest warrant issued by an investigating judge in Valenciennes (North), for "evading the execution of a separation ruling". The next day, the Nord (North) Prefect explained during a press conference that the imam was then considered "delinquent" because he was in flight.

Proselytizing speech

The expulsion order reproaches him for "a proselytizing speech interspersed with remarks inciting hatred and discrimination and carrying a vision of Islam contrary to the values of the Republic," His YouTube channel is followed by 178,000 subscribers.

His lawyer, Attorney Lucie Simon, is particularly contesting the validity of the arrest warrant targeting him, maintaining that it is based "on an infraction," which is, according to her, "not constituted". "Why look for him? Why do they want to bring him back?" she wondered at the beginning of September. 

Judicial fighting

According to the French Interior Minister, it is now up to the Belgian judiciary to turn (Iquioussen) over to France in execution of the arrest order. The process of returning the imam to France could take several weeks if (Iquioussen) contests it.

Between judicial wrangling and media battles, the debates surrounding the imam have fed French news since the beginning of August beginning with the announcement of his expulsion to Morocco, then suspended by the Paris Administrative Tribunal, which judged that it would "interfere disproportionately with his private and family life."

He had been hit with an initial polemic in 2004, (accused of) remarks deemed anti-Semitic in a speech about Palestine. (Iquioussen) had then acknowledged "inappropriate remarks" and apologized. His name has since regularly reappeared in the press and in public debate. 

Born in France, he had decided when he came of age not to opt for French nationality. He claims to have renounced (French citizenship) at age 17 under the influence of his father and later attempted in vain to recover it. His 5 children and 15 grandchildren are established in northern France: One son is an imam in Raismes, and another is a former elected PS (Socialist Party) at Lourches. 


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