Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Italy: Citizens Fed up With Behavior of Foreign Youth at Train Stations

I need to add a comment to this latest outrage out of Italy regarding young immigrant men behaving badly and endangering public safety in that country. As previously stated over and over, I have always been a supporter of immigration in my own country. Immigration, by and large, has benefitted this country because we were getting great people who wanted to work hard and become proud Americans.
This is not what is happening in Italy and other Western European countries, where mostly young, unaccompanied males are storming the borders from places like Afghanistan, Somalia, the Middle East, Pakistan, North Africa, and sub-Saharan Africa, almost all Muslim majority countries. Unlike previous immigrants to the West, most of these latest arrivals have no wish to assimilate or be productive citizens of their new countries. On the contrary, they have contempt for Western culture, traditions, rules, and also for Western women.

After storming the borders, many of these young men go on to storm buses, trains, swimming pools, and any other place they can congregate or move from one place to another.

In this latest article, we see how gangs of young immigrants storm a train in northern Italy after a night of partying. They even crawl through the windows to avoid buying a ticket. Italian residents living near the train station of Borgonato have videotaped the goings on. They are clearly fed up.

But their government isn't listening. 

The below article from Il Giornale is translated by Fousesquawk.

After Peschiera, Storming of train at Borgonato: Even through the windows

20 July 2022-09:33

Many immigrant youths are seen in the amateur images shared on social media by citizens fed up with this situation, the umpteenth episode of degradation in our country.

-Francesca Galici

The images of the assault on the train from Peschiera del Garda are still vivid in memory, as are the reports of molestation from the young girls who were aboard. In that case, gangs of young foreigners who did whatever they wanted without anyone stopping them, were the masters. The most serious element in this story is that it is not just an isolated episode but acts like that of Peschiera del Garda are repeated almost every night, particularly during the weekends. The latest case is that of the train station of Borgonato, a hamlet in the municipality of Corte Franca in Brescia province.

Every weekend, gangs of rowdy young men storm the first trains in the morning to return home after a night of revelry. The residents are now at their limits and have decided to film what happens at the first light of dawn, publishing photos and videos on social media. The images leave little to the imagination, and the origin of the young people always seems the same. Immigrant boys or second-generation Italians, who, regardless of the rules and any civic sense, create "a serious problem with public safety". This is the complaint made by the administration and the same citizens, tired of living the reality.

The latest images coming from the Borgonato train station speak very clearly. After having spent some time waiting for the train, with noise and acts of vandalism of every kind, many of those present have literally stormed the first train of the morning to return home, and what is seen on the amateur video is incredible. In order not to pay for a ticket, out of contempt for the rules, or who knows for whatever motive, many of them board directly through the window. There were about 500 young people at the train station of Borgonato at dawn Sunday morning, and what is seen in the videos recorded by the citizens is right before our eyes. It is impossible for the railway personnel to intervene in the face of excessive risk.

The phenomenon is repeated in so many cities in our country, without any solution put in place to resolve it. And it is cannot be forgotten that the acts of June near Gardaland were committed to the cry of, "Peschiera is Africa", with insults to the very young girls returning from the amusement park just because they were white. A similar (sentiment) was repeated a few weeks later at Rimini, where a girl was assaulted by a group of boys and girls of similar age to the shout of, "Rimini is Africa". Vandalism, violence, and contempt for the rules are the traits that unite many young people born in Italy to foreign parents, just like children who arrive in our country from foreign countries. Italy, with shocking speed, is approaching social collapse, with a pattern already seen in France and the suburbs. 

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