Thursday, March 24, 2022

School Indoctrination: If It's Wrong, It's Wrong



Norco is a small community near Riverside in Southern California. This week, a private Christian school in Norco made nationwide news when it was revealed that one of its teachers was leading her 4-5-year-old  pupils in chants against President Biden. The Daily Caller, a conservative news outlet, to its credit, has put up a post on the story.

Full disclosure: I am not a member of Joe Biden's fan club. I think he is the worst president in US history. That said, there is no way I can defend what this teacher did.  At the same time that we are decrying liberal indoctrination of our kids from K-university, we cannot defend or make excuses for what happened in Norco. While I objected to teachers leading their kids on chants glorifying then-President Barack Obama, and I object to our kids being taught Critical Race Theory, and I object to our kids being taught that gender is a fluid concept, I also object to our kids being taught in school that Joe Biden is a lousy president who should be kicked out of office-however much I may believe it.

As conservatives, we have to be consistent in our philosophy and not allow it to hang on which ideological side of the fence we are on. Every time we see a Supreme Court nomination come before the Senate for consideration and vote, we are reminded of the hypocrisy and double standards of those in the US Senate.

When I was a 10-year-old kid, my parents pulled me out of public school and stuck me in a private military school for 4 years. The reason was I was a brat who was not doing well in my grades and behavior, and they wanted a school that would instill some discipline and respect in me. They didn't send me to military school to be politically indoctrinated. By the same token, I'm sure the parents whose children are in Turning Point Christian School want their kids to get a quality education as well as religious instruction. They were not paying their money to have some teacher bash the sitting president-be it Trump or Biden.

It is true that we are in a battle for the minds of our children, but if we are to retain any degree of credibility with young people, we have to be consistent and unafraid to call out our own side when it screws up.

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