Saturday, March 26, 2022

Joe Biden: An American Joke They Tell in Poland

As expected, President Biden embarrassed himself in Poland. As I write, the White House is still "clarifying" Biden's comment in a speech in Warsaw that "For God's sake, this man cannot remain in power". Just referring to what he is doing in Ukraine-not calling for regime change, the WH spin doctors insisted, all dutifully parroted by Jim Acosta and his correspondents on CNN, who spent an inordinate number of airtime minutes on the issue today stressing the WH talking points. While most people would agree with the sentiment- as do I-it is not something that a US president should casually ad-lib because it has huge diplomatic significance. The situation in Europe is hot enough as it is without Biden putting his foot in his big mouth as he is wont to do.

He also did it while speaking to American troops in Poland, implying in his now-standard rambling manner, that his 82nd Airborne audience would be going into Ukraine shortly. The spin doctors at the White House were busy cleaning that one up as well all as Old Joe was winging his way home across the Atlantic in Air Force One.

Biden likes to interject off-hand remarks into his prepared speeches to add a homey touch to his Lunch Pail Joe persona. With his declining cognitive skills, the results are just plain ugly-scary if you consider that he is now president with a war raging in Europe. But Old Joe likes to sound tough.

If Joe wants to look tough in the face of Putin, he could allow our Polish allies to transfer those MIGS to Ukraine. He could open up the US for oil drilling again and make us energy self-sufficient, as we were under President Trump. He could help Europe wean itself off Russian natural gas by filling the void with ours. And by all means, increase the US/NATO presence in Eastern Europe as a warning to Putin that he cannot invade a NATO country.

But there is a silver lining. After so many years of being the butt of American Polish jokes, our friends in Poland now have a rich stock of American jokes to tell-thanks to Joe Biden.

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