Sunday, February 20, 2022

Sweden's Failed Immigration Policy

Hat tip Pettersson's Blogg. Translation by Fousesquawk.

Below is a letter to the editor of Pettersson's Blogg, a conservative Swedish site. The letter is written by Johnny Hornbrink of the conservative Swedish party, Sweden Democrats.

Hate campaign against Sweden is the price for failed integration!

20 February 2022   Pettersson

Letter to the editor- There is now ongoing an extensive hate campaign against our country and the Swedish social services.

The image that is disseminated is that Swedish social services are taking children for unjust reasons, that of secularizing them. Abroad, Sweden is pointed to as a fascist state, (and) hate campaigns against Sweden and particularly social services also contain threats of violence and terror acts.

Photo insert: "To hate Islam is not irrational or a phobia. It is just plain sense"-Mona Walter, ex-Muslim on so-called Islamophobia

According to the Agency for Psychological Defense, this is an organized advocacy campaign against Sweden. The Muslim Brotherhood and violence-advocating Islamist organizations as well as an imam sentenced to deportation are the driving forces behind this anti-Sweden campaign.

The Islamist party, Nyans, also participates in protests against the Swedish social services. The party also intends to make LVU (Law on Protection for Young) one of its election issues, (and) they also say they want to restrict free speech and forbid certain blasphemy. Strangely enough, it appears that no media sees it as being absurd that the party can stand for election in Swedish municipalities while its representatives incite against the country with support from religious minorities, extremists, and foreign power(s)!?

The Islamist hatred against Sweden and social workers is not surprising; that certain Muslims are angry when they cannot raise their children according to their own values and culture is logical.

But what is surprising is that Swedish politicians and journalists who propagate for this multi-cultural society are now everything from surprised to upset when they see its consequences!?

How did this happen here?

The answer is very simple.

What we now see is the result of decades of irresponsible "cultural enrichment" and immigration without requirements from countries with a completely different viewpoint on children's and women's rights, which have led us here.

There is no simple solution to this, but a first measure to greatly increase integration and counter exclusion is to require Swedish language ability as well as knowledge of Swedish social orientation.

It should be obvious to all that Swedish authorities take (custody) of children because they are judged to be in danger, not because the parents happen to be Muslims. Those who choose to move to Sweden should be obliged to learn our language, our laws, and rules, etc. It is embarrassing that this has to be mentioned.

It cannot continue that social secretaries, emergency personnel, teachers, caretakers, and Swedish youth, in short, ordinary people have to be those who always have to pay the price in the form of threats and violence for immigration policies and non-existent integration!

With its "blessed" and uncontrolled immigration, the politically correct establishment has turned our suburbs into a world they themselves don't want to live in. These lost multi-cultural advocates face a tough future since they have closed their eyes far too long. It doesn't help any longer to cry that everyone is racist and that it is all SD (Sweden Democrats) fault. SD did not exist when the experimental mass immigration policy was launched, but just like exclusion and the Islamist party, Nyans, it is a direct result of (the policy)!

Johnny Hornbrink (Sweden Democrats)

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