Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Statement by Canadian Truckers Convoy

 Hat tip Fredrik

The below video is dated February 15, 2022, and was produced by Canadian activist Jordan Peterson. In this video, Benjamin Dichter a spokesman for the Canadian Trucker Convoy, reads a prepared statement as to what the truckers want.


  1. 90 percent of Canadian truckers are vaccinated. Who cares what these people want?

    If this was Black Lives Matter or any left-wing group that was doing this, then all of you "conservatives" would have your panties in a twist demanding that they be arrested.

    And if Nazi flags were present at any left-wing protest, you'd also be all over that.

    But it's all different when it's so-called conservatives because of whatever talking point du jour.

    Oh, and Jordan Peterson is a dishonest buffoon who's a dumb person's idea of a smart person.

  2. Anonymous,

    Just for the record, I am also vaccinated.

    Also just for the record, I have written very little about the covid-vaccination debate on this blog. Truth be told, I find myself somewhat in the middle of the debate.

    While I have issues with protesters bringing a halt to traffic and commerce, I also think Trudeau is handling this issue horribly. Calling the protesters Nazis and racists is wrong. freezing bank accounts of protesters is also wrong. I heard claims from Trudeau that someone was waving a swastika flag and/or a confederate flag. If so, one or two knuckleheads should not color all the rest. I know from first-hand experience that it is almost impossible to control who shows up at a mass protest.

    Do not compare the truckers convoy to BLM (or antifa, for that matter). There has been no violence on the part of the truckers, no buildings burned, nobody shot. In addition, I have condemned those who engaged in storming the Capitol on January 6, attacked cops, and engaged in violence (I supported those who gathered peacefully to hear Trump speak and protest outside the Capitol.)

    As for Peterson, if you think he is so dumb why not take the time to see him speak when he comes to the US and engage him in debate or ask him a critical question? That's what I do.

    Final point: I don't wear panties.

  3. So, you can't blame the entire group for the actions of a few, and yet you do exactly that with BLM.

  4. Anonymous,

    If you are referring to the Canadian truckers, they have engaged in no violence. BLM has a repeated record of violence and inflammatory rhetoric. Their founders admit they are Marxists.
    I don't condemn those who peacefully protested the deaths of blacks by police, but many of our cities burned at the hands of BLM and Antifa. That I condemn.

    If you are referring to the Jan 6 rioters, I condemn the rioters but not those who just came to protest and hear Trump speak. There is a clear demarcation line here.
