Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Italy: The North African Crime Wave in Milan Continues

Milan-I Navigli

As we have earlier reported, Milan is now considered to be the crime capital of Italy, thanks largely to its North African immigrant ommunity. Or I should say gangs. Here is another depressing account of how ordinary residents of Italy's 2nd largest city are being victimized by young gangs of migrants, many from North Africa. The below article in Corriere della Sera (Milan's largest newspaper) is translated by Fousesquawk.

*Note: The reference below to "chain gang" refers to their habit of steeling necklaces from victims.

Robberies in Darsena, the "chain gang" and the 16 violent (attacks) in the nightlife: 5 young foreigners arrested in Milan

by Federico Berni

The gang was made up of an  Egyptian, two Tunisians, and two Moroccans between the ages of 18-22: Sixteen (attacks) scored between June and October 2021. Taken from the victims were clothes, jewelry, and telephones. "Especially violent threats and beatings by the gang." 

They raged between the Darsena (waterfront area) and the Navigli (district). Robberies, beatings, threats. Always five against one, violent and unscrupulous along the streets of the Ticino (river) nightlife. Sixteen episodes of robbery between June and October 2021, and probably many more not reported by the victims. Five young men between 18-22, an Egyptian, two Tunisians, and two Moroccans, hit in the past few days with as many measures of preventative custody (three in jail, two under house arrest) issued by judicial authorities to top off investigations conducted by police of the Porto Genova police station.

The gang

The gang of North Africans had raised a certain alarm last summer, especially in the evenings of the weekends. According to what has been ascertained, the victims were surrounded, in order to prevent any possibility of flight. Then, threatened with a knife or shard of a bottle to the throat, they were forced to hand over chains, gold objects, (or) cell phones. "Robberies characterized by particular violence and brutality," say the police.

The beatings

In some cases, these actions resulted in real beatings. One of those investigated was traced to an abandoned farmhouse in Giambellino, where he had found a temporary shelter. Many other incidents, not reported or of which, the necessary elements have yet been found, are still being examined by the investigators. 

*Update: Below is a TV broadcast of the case from Milano-Pavia News. Translation by Fousesquawk.

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