Saturday, November 27, 2021

Why Are We Going Backwards?

 I seem to be going through a period of writer's block the last week or so. Is that because I have come down with Covid-though fully vaccinated? I don't know. Surely, there are so many things to write about.

I did write something up about the Rittenhouse verdict, which I applauded. Up to now, I have not seemed to be able to write anything about the horrible attack this past week in Waukesha that took 6 lives-including a small boy. I had to digest it, let more facts come out, and let others discuss it. 

Was there a connection between Waukesha and the trial in nearby Kenosha? Most of the mainstream media doesn't seem willing to accept that, but the geographical closeness is too much to be a mere coincidence.

That leads us into a closer examination of Darrell Brooks, the man who (allegedly) drove his car into a crowd of people celebrating the holidays with a parade. Some in the media have suggested that he was merely fleeing some other incident and really didn't mean to hit all those people. Eyewitness reports, including from police, indicate that the act was deliberate and intentional. He wanted to mow people down with his SUV. That, ultimately, must be decided by a court.

A couple of things stand out about Brooks. He is a career criminal with a record that begs the question: "Why was he out on the streets?" That was because of a low bail policy which allowed him to roam the streets like a predator.

It has also come out-first by alternative media and now confirmed by conservative outlets like Fox- that Brooks was a man driven by hate. He is reportedly a black nationalist who hates white people and Jews as well. That has all been brought out by his social media rants. His social media also reportedly indicated that he was, indeed, upset by the Rittenhouse verdict. Can we say, "hate crime"?

Not only has Brooks unleashed yet another discussion about the laxness of our judicial system in certain locales run by left-wing Democrats, but his obvious hate -coupled with so many other incidents- should cause a discussion about how our racial relations have managed to get so bad in recent years.

As I have said many times, I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s. Thus, I have been able to observe the changes in this country thanks to the Civil Rights movement. Yet, we are going in the wrong direction. Millions of black people think that they are still treated as second-class citizens especially by the justice system.

In spite of the gains of the Civil Rights era, many blacks were left behind, and, for some reason, did not or could not take advantage of the changes sweeping the country. We still have inner cities that are more like the third world, where crime, drugs, gangs, and broken families rule the roost.

I could keep on going around in circles here, repeating things I have written dozens of times before. The point is I am sick of hearing excuses and coverups for criminal hate mongers like Darrell Brooks. Six people are dead as a direct result of the failure of our courts to deal with Brooks. And still, our media mostly avoids discussions of what drove him to commit this horrible deed.

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