Friday, November 12, 2021

Italy, Germany and the Green Pass

Hat tip RAIR Foundation, Vlad Tepes, and Gates of Vienna. Translation by He Ha.

Italians are now required to carry a Green Pass in order to access certain buildings and services. It certifies they have been vaccinated against Covid, tested negative, and/or have already recovered. .

So recently, a lady vising a museum presented her own German version of a Green Pass. The only problem is that it was an Ahnenpass, an old Nazi-era certificate of ancestry that Germans had to prove they were of pure Aryan blood.

It worked. She got in. 


  1. Yikes!

    I've had my vaccination card checked a few times, but I was pretty skeptical that they'd know it if I showed them a fake one.

    I know that a few people have been caught and fined, but I'm sure that there are plenty of scammers who have gotten away with it.

    I sure hope that this person wasn't making the comparison to vaccine mandates and the Holocaust though - because if they were, they need to pull their heads out of their posteriors.

  2. I hope you're right. Have you heard about the vaccine mandate protesters who are wearing the Star of David (to make some sort of a point). Unfortunately, they're not spoofing.

  3. Yes, vaguely. I don't think it is a proper analogy. I often use Nazi memes to make a point, but it is done sarcastically. For example, the Good news, mein Fuehrer photos of Hitler inspecting the damage outside his Berlin bunker.
    I think Austria has carried this thing too far with their new regulations.

  4. I'm conflicted as to what Austria is doing. I can't say that I'm for it, but when I think of the long-term results like more variants, hospitals filled so much that other procedures can't get done, etc., then I don't know if I'm really against it either. (I think people should be able to go outside for exercise at least.)

  5. I have not read up on it, but as far as I understand it, if you are unvaccinated in Austria, you must stay indoors. I think that is very extreme.
