Saturday, September 25, 2021


 There were no postings this past week since the Missus and I were off to a week-long vacation in Arkansas. It was a time-share deal, and it came down to Hot Springs, Arkansas or Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. We chose Hot Springs.

First, we spent a night in Little Rock, landing at the Bill and Hillary Clinton National Airport.(Really.) It was my first time in that city. The two main points of interest were the Capitol building and Little Rock Central High School, which is pictured below.

Above: Little Rock Central High School today

Why a high school in Little Rock? In 1957, Central High School was the focus of the nation's attention when Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus attempted to block 9 black students from entering the previously-all-white school.  The feds intervened under then-President Dwight Eisenhower, and the students were admitted under what could only be described as frightening conditions as white residents protested and hurled insults at the students. It was one of the early landmarks of the Civil Rights era.

As you can see, the iconic buildings are quite old and iconic. They were instantly recognizable from the old historical footage from 1957.

Below: Little Rock Central High School 1957

The next day, we drove to Hot Springs, a 40-minute drive away. Hot Springs is a picturesque old town with a distinctive downtown area marked by its historic bathhouses, still preserved though not all still in operation. Much of the architecture would be described as art deco. Very interesting. It was also the boyhood home of Bill Clinton, where, I presume, he learned his tricks.

The two main landmark buildings are the old Army-Navy Hospital, which is today a rehabilitation center, and the Arlington Hotel, which dates back to the 1920s. In its heyday, it was frequented by many celebrities including Chicago gangster, Al Capone, pictured below handcuffed to a sidewalk bench with ex-federal agent, Yours Truly.

Former Army-Navy Hospital

Arlington Hotel

Arkansas, like the rest of the South, is green everywhere and very scenic. It is forests, lakes, rivers, and hills, with lots of outdoor activities. Hot Springs itself is located in the central-western part of the state by the Ouachita Mountains and nearby lakes like Lake Ouachita and Lake Hamilton. It is well worth a visit especially if you are into things like camping, hiking, sailing, or just enjoying beautiful scenery.

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