Friday, July 23, 2021

Cleveland's Latest Mistake: The Cleveland Guardians


It's official. The Cleveland Indians are no more (after the 2021 season). Next year, it will be the Cleveland Guardians. Earlier, I had suggested the Mistakes, but nobody listens to me (or reads this blog for that matter).

Apparently, the name is "emblematic of Cleveland" because of some carvings on a bridge that is in the city. (Who knew?)

Equally ridiculous is this statement released by team owner Paul Dolan, which was probably composed by some failed speechwriter for Barack Obama.

 "In searching for a new brand, we sought a name that strongly reflects the pride, resiliency and loyalty of Clevelanders. Guardians embodies those defining attributes while drawing upon the iconic Guardians of Traffic proudly standing just outside Progressive Field on the Hope Memorial Bridge," Dolan wrote. "It brings to life the pride of Clevelanders take in our city and the way we stand for each other while defending our Cleveland process."

What the Hell is the Cleveland process?

At any rate, political correctness has had its way. The Cleveland Guardians it is. Now if they can just do something about that Cleveland part. That's the one that had to go.


  1. Are you genuinely bothered by this name change?

    I can't even imagine why a person would care. I mean, I can understand why Native Americans might not like how they've been reduced to a caricature, but I don't get how somebody could think that this is a bad thing.

  2. Anonymous,

    Did I really sound like I was bothered by it? I'm a Cub fan.
