Monday, May 24, 2021

Naperville and Irvine: A Tale of Two Cities

 Hat tip Arutz Sheva

Yesterday,  along with a couple of hundred other people, I attended a pro-Israel rally in Irvine, California. As pro-Israel rallies always are, this was peaceful. There were plenty of Israeli and American flags, people of all ages, music, and support for the Jewish state of Israel against the terrorists and Jew-hatred of Hamas.

This is the poster that I brought:

The reaction from passing motorists was overwhelmingly supportive as they honked their horns, waved, and gave us the thumbs-up sign. Of course, there were a handful of pro-Palestinians who gave us the finger and shouted obscenities. There was no response from the rally-goers who just continued to have a good time. As the event started, we were each given a flyer that asked us not to engage with counter-demonstrators, rather to act in a peaceful, responsible manner in expressing our support for Israel and condemnation of anti-Semitism. 

At the end, the Israeli and American national anthems were played.

But in Naperville, a community outside Chicago, the scene on Sunday was different. As pro-Israel demonstrators peacefully expressed their point of view, the pro-Palestinian thugs showed up in force to violently disrupt the rally, attack Jews, and call for their deaths as police apparently failed to enforce the law. It seems the pro-Israel folks had to cut short their rally and go home so as to prevent any further violence by the Palestinian side.

Par for the course, wouldn't you say?

Compare and contrast this rally in Irvine with what the other side does. Watch the loud, hateful and violent pro-Palestinian demonstrations in the US (and Europe). How many American flags do you see together with Palestinian flags? Rarely if ever.

It should tell you which side of this conflict is the right side and which is the wrong side.

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