Friday, May 21, 2021

Biden Steals Credit for Mid East Peace Deal

Has Joe Biden no shame? This man actually has the gall to stand up publicly and basically claim credit for ending the fighting between Israel and Hamas.

"Oh and I want to give a shout out to Egypt for all their help"

Full disclosure: Rather than a cease-fire, I would have preferred to see Israel wipe out every last Hamas leader and fighter in Gaza. As things stand now, we will simply await the next round of fighting 4-5 years down the road. It's as sure as the next earthquake in California.

But let's be clear: It was Egypt that brokered this deal, and if it was a good thing, they should take credit. 

Instead, we have this old fool trying to take all the credit because he made a bunch of phone calls. Of course, we know that his calls were mostly to Netanyahu putting pressure on him to stop it. It wasn't Israel who launched the first rockets; it was Hamas in Gaza. Biden initially stated his support for Israel's right to defend itself, but in the end, he bowed to pressure from the radicals in his party, like Rashida Tlaib. 

This is not the first time that Biden has tried to steal the stage. He actually had one past presidential campaign destroyed because it was revealed that he had plagiarized part of a speech from a British public figure. His standard line is, "I'm the guy who....".

While Fox News sees through Biden's shameful credit grab, CNN does not.

 As a retired DEA agent, I am reminded of an old DEA joke about the FBI, the latter organization noted for their obsession to be front and center in every case in which they work with other law enforcement agencies. I have to clean it up, but it goes something like this:

An FBI agent and a DEA agent have a bet on who has the best detector dog.

The DEA agent sends his dog into an apartment where cocaine is hidden. After 5 minutes, the DEA dog comes out of the apartment with a kilo of cocaine in its mouth.

The FBI agent then sends his dog into another apartment where cocaine is hidden. After half an hour, the FBI dog comes out with nothing. It then grabs the cocaine from the DEA dog, %$#& the DEA dog in *^%$#, and calls a press conference. 

As I progressed in my DEA career, I learned that other federal agencies had the same joke only substituting the facts according to what they enforced. For example, the Secret Service dog would come out with counterfeit cash in its mouth, the ATF dog would come out with a bomb etc.

That's Joe Biden. 

It is good that he has promised to resupply the Israelis with Iron Dome defenses. It is not good that the American taxpayer has to foot the bill to rebuild the terror state of Gaza even if it is done through the Palestinian Authority, which controls the West Bank-not Gaza. What obligation do we have to rebuild Gaza?

If he wants to make himself useful, he can get his Justice Department to start prosecuting these pro-Palestinian savages who are beating up Jews on the streets of our cities. I believe it's called federal hate crimes.

What a shameless and feckless president we have in Joe Biden.


  1. I think that Biden deserves criticism for this, but unless you ALSO criticized Trump, who was even more shameless in taking credit for things he had no control over, then you should probably back off.

    Trump LITERALLY took credit for people saying "Merry Christmas".

    He also took credit for Veterans Choice, which was passed under Obama in 2014.

    There's lots more. Biden's statement was silly, but Trump took it to Comrade Stalin levels of absurdity.

  2. I always got a kick out Trump's, "We're doing a fantastic job," but that's Trump.
    But BIden is the president now, so it's his turn in the barrel.
