Thursday, March 25, 2021

276 Left-wing Academics Sign Letter to France

"Hey! Can we sign too?"

If you want an education into the tired old language of the left, look no further than this letter signed by 276 leftist academics (only 276?) addressed to nobody in particular, to express their Solidarity with all their leftist De-Colonial colleagues in France. At issue is a recent statement by the French minister of higher education, Frederique Vidal, in which she used the dreaded term, "Islamo-gauchism" (Islamo-leftism as having a "gangrene effect" on the country, which is a true statement given the horrible state of affairs in that nation.  

You can read the ridiculous language in the letter which is posted by one of the signatories, none other than University of Michigan comedian Juan Cole in his blog, Informed Comment.

"Elements of the White Left, including feminists without an anticolonial, anti-Islamophobia or antiracism analysis, have also been complicit in rendering colonial and racial oppression invisible, and providing ideological rationalizations for State racisms. This, too, speaks to the incoherence of the term, “Islamo-leftism.”

I don't claim to be familiar with all these characters, but the names Angela Davis, Joel Beinen, Hatem Bazian, Rabab Abdulhadi, Robin DG Kelley, David Palumbo-Liu, Hamid Dabashi, Roger Waters, Jasbir Puar, John Esposito, and of course, Juan Cole are no strangers to this site.

But really. Only 276 signatures out of the tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions, billions of left-wing professors crammed into our universities-with the notable exception of guitar plucker Roger Waters?

I also note with interest the language incorporated into the letter in defense of women and "queers". Are they not aware that they are defending what is the biggest threat worldwide to the safety and rights of women and "queers"?No, of course, they cannot see the obvious contradiction.

But all humor aside, just pay attention to the language of these characters, some of which are anti-Semites, and it stands out that they are leftist ideologues. They don't even realize that France is under a left-wing government under the mismanagement of Emmanuel Macron, trying to figure out what to do about the wave of migration, crime, terrorism, and anti-Semitism unleashed by their insane immigration policies.
Islamo-gauchism? I'd say that pretty much hits the nail on the head.

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