Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Famous Doctors


Dr Kildare

Dr Howser

Dr J

Dr Holliday

                                                                           Dock Ellis

                                                                                                                 Dr Jill


  1. This is some serious sexist bullcrap right here.

    She has a PhD - unlike all the rest of them. That makes here a doctor.

    If you want to make a point that having a PhD doesn't make one necessarily smart, then you could have compared her to doofuses like Dr. Oz or Dr. Ben Carson.

    But clearly that's not your point. You're just making a cheap shot because you don't like the idea that we will now have a first lady who doesn't lie about her accomplishments.

    But I guess that this is what we're going to see from the right for the next four years. Instead of critiquing Biden on substantial issues, it's going to be a bunch of bogus distractions.

  2. Anonymous,


    I did not mean to seriously claim that Dr Pepper, Julius Irvine, Dock Ellis, etc had PhDs.

    Dr. Ben Carson is a doofus? Really? No, he is a real doctor.

    Yes, will we have a first lady who has -lied is not the right word- misled us about her accomplishments (she certainly misled Whoopi Goldberg), not to mention how she hooked up with Old Joe. That was a big lie. If you are referring to First Ladies who have lied about her accomplishments, you must be referring to Hillary Clinton.

    AS for what you are going to see the next four years, you are going to hear about a lot of Biden family scandals. Just today, we have learned about an email Hunter sent to China soliciting ten million bucks. How's that for a distraction? How about a stolen election for a bogus distraction?

  3. The fact that you're still going on about a "stolen election" shows that you're hopeless.

    You're in a cult.

  4. If it's a cult, it's a very large cult. There is more than enough suspicion that the elections in Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan were, indeed, stolen. I am not saying I am 100% sure, but I sure want to know, and so should everybody else. I would not accept it if Trump stole the election.

    You seem to be willing to accept all kinds of corruption on Biden's side. For example, it is not a wild conspiracy theory to say that then VP Biden got a Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma and his son, Hunter, fired. We know because Biden bragged about it on videotape. Even if he was representing the wishes of Obama and Congress, he should have recused himself from this assignment due to his obvious conflict of interest. Don't you think it is strange that Burisma would pay Hunter 83,000 a month when he had no experience or expertise with energy or Ukraine in general?

    Doesn't it bother you that VP Biden took Hunter along on an official trip to China and Hunter came back with a million dollar+ business deal? Corruption?

    So if I am hopeless, I advise you to give up.

  5. Again, how many failed attempts to prove fraud in court do you need to realize that there's nothing to see here? If a third of them panned out for Trump, I would have to admit that maybe there is something to see. Apparently 50 failed attempts isn't enough for you. Will you finally drop it at 100? This is a serious question, what else do you need?

    As for Hunter Biden, why do you think that I'm okay with all of that? I never said I was.

    I'll be honest, I haven't really looked into it. I don't know if you've been as concerned about the numerous scams and lawsuits regarding the Trumps (where their accusers have won) as you are about Hunter Biden. But let's be frank, the fact that you're still going on about election fraud doesn't exactly make me trust you as an impartial and even-minded person when it comes to these issues. When you're indirectly accusing Bill Barr, Brian Kemp, Trump's three Supreme Court picks, and now even Mitch McConnell as being part of this left-wing conspiracy, I don't think that you're capable of being even slightly objective.

    And yes, cults can be very large.

  6. I'm not "going on" about election fraud. How many postings have I devoted to it since the election? I think there is enough basis for the charge to not simply dismiss it out of hand. Believe it or not, our courts are politicized too. That said, the courts-including the SC- are not going to overturn an election result unless they are presented with smoking gun proof.

    I am not attacking Bill Barr or Trump's SC picks or McConnell for anything. Find me one passage where I have.

    And why have you not really looked into Hunter Biden? Because you don't care or don't want to know? Just like you think there is nothing to see about election fraud. You accuse me of bias, and yes, I am biased. But so are you.

  7. You're the one who brought up election fraud in this very conversation! And it's not the first time you did in your responses. I didn't know that you had to make a certain number of posts in order for me to call you out on it.

    I'm not saying that you attacked Barr or McConnell, but my point is that even they have concluded that there is no fraud. So, if you keep saying, "Hmmm...maybe there is" then you're disagreeing with them - two guys who have every reason to want to keep Trump in power.

    And you're right that the courts are politicized, but do you really think that they're politicized in favor of the Democrats?

    I do care to know about Hunter Biden and whatever it is that he's done wrong and how much it affects what President Biden will do. I haven't looked into it yet because there are a lot of things that I haven't looked into yet that I probably should have.

    I looked into it enough to know that the whole story with his laptop was ridiculous and of little substance. (He went across the country to get his laptop repaired by a blind guy?)

    When I hear you talk about Hunter Biden now, I'm thinking that this is another case of the little boy who cried wolf. Maybe it isn't.
