Friday, December 11, 2020

Congratulations, President Trump

 I am not at all optimistic that President Trump will be successful in challenging the election results in those infamous swing states that he suspiciously lost. In other words, there isn't much positive to report on the Trump side.

Or is there? 

There has been good news on two fronts. It looks like the Covid vaccine is on the way. Have we now conquered Covid? It's too soon to say, but unless this stuff turns out to be snake oil, the pharmaceutical and scientific community is to be congratulated. President Trump is also to be congratulated for Operation Warp Speed, which expedited the research, testing, and approval process given the emergency situation we have been facing with the Covid pandemic. Again, it's too soon to close the book on Covid, but I have a feeling that history will treat President Trump very kindly on this issue-if the vaccine is successful and the government-military efficiently distributes it, which I expect they will.

On the diplomatic front, what can I say? Like everyone else, I laughed when Jered Kushner "sat down to play the piano".  What was this snot-nosed kid who happened to be Trump's son-in-law going to accomplish that our most seasoned diplomats have been unable to accomplish-get Arab nations to shake hands with Israel? (Of course, I am not forgetting the Israel-Egypt peace treaty during the Carter administration. It looked like it was going to fall apart when Mohammad Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood took control of Egypt, but with  Morsi out-and dead, the current government is maintaining the deal.)

But without much fanfare from the media, the Trump administration has helped Israel forge normalized relations with Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, and just this week, Morocco. Now I know very well that peace with Arab states can blow away with the sand, but as it stands now, Trump and his administration are to be congratulated. 

But guess who is unhappy with Israel's normalization of relations with the above Arab states. The Palestinians and their apologists worldwide. Essentially, they have been left out of the deal, which is a good thing. As I have said over and over, I am not a Middle East expert. All I know is that Israel is a diamond in the Middle East landfill. I also think it's safe to say that nobody really likes the Palestinians, the world's longest-standing refugee group. To this day, they reside in so-called refugee camps created after the 1948 war, and which are now, basically, slum-like towns where succeeding generations have grown up. Lebanon, Jordon, Syria etc. never allowed them to assimilate into their own societies, which would have saved the world a lot of grief. So now they are permanent wards of the world.

Also upset at Trump-Kushner's diplomatic success are the apologists for the Palestinians in Europe, Canada and the US-largely in the universities, the Middle East Studies propaganda centers, and the left. For them, the Palestinians are the benighted victims. In truth, they use the Palestinians as a prop to wage their never-ending war against the Jewish state-and the West in general.

President Trump's approach was sensible. He supports Israel and doesn't see any indication that the Palestinians really want to make peace. So he cut off support for the corrupt PA and the corrupt  UNRWA. Biden, of course, will resume it. He's already said so.

To sum up, if you take the whole election fiasco out of the picture, it's actually been a pretty good week for Trump.


  1. There's nothing "suspicious" about his loss in those swing states. Why do you think that they're called swing states in the first place?

    Is it really so hard to believe that a President with one of the worst approval ratings in history didn't win a second term?

    You "conservatives" need to stop pretending that you're the patriotic ones who love America, democracy, and the Constitution. Trump is acting like a third-world dictator, trying to get states to throw out thousands of votes because he doesn't like the results. And you guys just repeat his alternate-reality talking points.

    Seriously - we're now at what, 50 losses out of 51 in the courts? And the Supreme Court, with three of his appointees, don't even give him a chance to argue his case? The only thing "suspicious" is why any person with half a brain still thinks that he didn't lose fair and square.

    As for "Operation Warp Speed", the vaccines that are going forward had little to do with that. Man, you just eat up the propaganda, don't you? Pfizer hasn't taken any money from it as of yet. There are vaccines being developed in other countries.

    Even if we could give Trump as much credit as you think, this is like giving Stalin credit for defeating the Nazis. It was Stalin's horribly bad decisions that led to Nazi Germany getting as far as it did in the first place, just as it has been Trump's horrible decisions that led to this country having the worst record on this pandemic than the other developed countries.

    Seriously, you could give Baghdad Bob a run for his money.

  2. Anonymous,

    I suggest you don't take the vaccine.

  3. I'll just take hydroxychloriquin. That's what Trump insisted for the longest time was the cure. It's not like he's ever wrong.

    Weird that he doesn't still talk about it. I'm sure he's the kind of guy to admit when he's wrong. (Just like you, I'm sure.)

  4. Of course, I admit when I am wrong. I was wrong to post your last comment.

  5. Okay, that was actually funny.
