Sunday, October 25, 2020

Jews for Trump Caravan In Manhattan Attacked

Hat tip Andy Ngo and

Photographer Andy Ngo has a knack for covering all the worst excesses of the Antifa Black Bloc acts of mob violence. This one took place today in Manhattan when the thugs attacked Jews for Trump caravan as it drove through New York  City. It looks like the cops arrested at least one thug, and another got kicked for a field goal at the end of this video. According to multiple news reports, this was a massive caravan and was subjected to multiple attacks as it drove through the city.

Townhall has more videos and details.

Is there any question as to who the bad guys are here? This is the same crap we have seen in Portland, Seattle, and so many other cities this year. Was this protesting some injustice? Of course not. People were physically attacked simply for showing their support for President Trump. That should tell you who is right and who is wrong. 

And don't think that electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will put an end to this. It won't. It will only empower them. They will continue to act with utter impunity. These people need to be prosecuted and put in jail.


  1. You are aware of Trump supporters who are engaging in violence against people who oppose Trump, right?

    Not to mention the fact that Trump supporters literally tried to kidnap a governor? And one of them was planning on killing Biden?

    You've gotta get out of your conservative blog/media bubble.

  2. There is a growing radicalization on both sides, and I condemn it all. There should be no violence, no threats, no destruction, period. It is hard to argue, however, that most of the craziness is coming from the right. It is not the right who have been rioting and burning cities across the country or shooting cops. Antifa, Black Bloc, BLM are hardly on the right.

  3. You know that many of the people who were arrested in those riots turned out to have ties to far-right groups, right? They show up to peaceful protests, start getting violent, and they figure that folks like yourself will blame supposed leftists.

    Not saying that there are no violent leftists, but who are the feds identifying as the biggest threats right now? Not BLM. Not antifa.

    Far-right terror groups. That's who.

  4. Do you have some credible documentation for your claims? If you want to make the case that the far-right was responsible for Minneapolis, Seattle, 100+ nights of rioting in Portland-as opposed to Antifa, I would love to see it. I am not saying there are no right-wing troublemakers out there, but I disagree strongly if you are trying to make the case that most of the violence is coming from the right. So if a Jews for Trump caravan is attacked in NYC, it's the right that did it? C'mon, Man!

  5. "Not to mention the fact that Trump supporters literally tried to kidnap a governor? And one of them was planning on killing Biden?"

    Sorry it is not a fact. Do a Google search now and you will find that they hate Trump just as much as the governor. They tried to get Obama, Biden, and Trump. So, your right wing accusation is false.
