Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Dutch Politician Calls for Boycott of Dutch Products!

Hat tip Dagelijkse Standaard-Translation by Fousesquawk.

                       Arnoud van Doorn: "Hey, Alfred! Get your finger out of that dike!"

In the wake of last week's horrific beheading of a teacher in France for showing Mohammad cartoons to his class and President Emmanuel Macron's homage to the victim, Samuel Paty, Turkish strongman, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has called on the Muslim world to boycott French products. In response, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has expressed his solidarity with Macron and France. That has led to a Dutch politician, Arnoud van Doorn, to call for a boycott against Dutch products. The below article from the conservative Dutch news outlet, Dagelijkse Standaard, is translated by Fousesquawk.


Netherlands-hating Sharia-Lover Arnoud van Doorn after Rutte Support for Macron: "Boycott Dutch Products" 
-by Tim Engelbart-26 October 2020        

The most clownish councilor in the Netherlands has struck again! This time he calls for a country to be boycotted. Which country, you ask? Well, the Netherlands. Where we all, including Arnoud van Doorn, live. Crack!

We have wondered whether we should write the article. Because isn't attention precisely what this frequently truant Hague councilor wants? Well, yes, undoubtedly. But putting the spotlight on this type of silly words might wake up his supporters. Van Doorn is not busy representing them in the community council of the capital city (the Hague) but makes them completely ridiculous with his almost-satirical proposals.

Take, for example, his latest idea: We must boycott the Netherlands. That is what Van Doorn said in an angry tweet he sent this afternoon after Prime Minster Rutte declared his support for President Macron-who is busy dealing with the radical Islamists, from whom the idea came to cut down Samuel Paty, literally and figuratively.  

The Dutch government supports Macron in his anti-Muslim smear. Scandalous! 😠👎," writes Van Doorn, purposefully in English, in a dastardly attempt to start an international riot. He shares a screenshot of Rutte's declaration of support for his French counterpart. But then comes this hilarious part: "Boycott French and Dutch products".

In short: Van Dooirn is calling for a financial hit on his own country because the prime minister is wholeheartedly committed to freedom of expression. A word like "traitor" doesn't roll easily over my lips, and not now, but stupid, is it not now on the tip of my tongue?

But anyway, it may be that calling out a councilor who in 2022, hopefully and eventually, will be expelled from the municipal council is not the best course of action. So let us laugh at Van Doorn: Because how does this madman see it for himself that he will boycott Dutch products? Does he now and then want to die of hunger and thirst? Because if you want to be consistent here, you yourself can't drink tap water or eat bread from the bakery. So it is stupid that Van Doorn calls for such an impractical boycott. Ha ha.  What an (anti-social dullard)!

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