Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Project Veritas' Expose on Ilhan Omar and Voting Fraud

Here is part 2 of Project Veritas' expose on Ilhan Omar and the voting fraud scandal in Minneapolis (het tip Vlad Tepes).



  1. How many times does Project Veritas have to be exposed for the video-editing frauds that they are until you wise up?

  2. All news sites edit videos for brevity when they are long and PV is no exception. Editing to alter meaning is another thing, and I don't see where they been "exposed" for that, as you say.

  3. O'Keefe has been sued for defamation - and lost.

    He's a dishonest person with absolutely no credibility.

  4. I suggest you watch the videos and decide for yourself.


    Has there been a denial from Omar and her camp? What is their explanation for this? .

  5. I'm not going to watch his videos because I know that he has a history of selectively editing them to make them seem like something is happening that is not happening.

    She's probably not bothering to deny it because she knows he's a clown and doesn't want to give him even more publicity. I wouldn't address him either.

  6. Anonymous,

    Oh, that's a good reason not to watch the videos. Also a good reason for you to remain anonymous.

  7. So, are you going to watch Michael Moore's next movie?

    I'm going to assume that you won't because you have better things to do than watch something from a self-aggrandizing partisan hack who's known to carefully edit his videos to get the results that he wants. And guess what? You're right to pass on his garbage.

    I don't watch his stuff for the same reason that I don't watch Project Veritas. It's not worth my time. (Although I think that Veritas is even worse, as at least Michael Moore hasn't been successfully sued due to his misrepresentations.)

  8. So, you'd watch it if it was free?

    Or maybe it's time to admit that you'll believe anything so long as it makes liberals look bad, whether it's true or not?

  9. Anonymous,

    You are very persistent, aren't you? I'm beginning to suspect you are Michael Moore himself.

  10. Sure enough, "Project Veritas" is nothing more than a bunch of lying liars who lie:

    Subject of Project Veritas Voter Fraud Video Says He Was Offered $10,000 to Lie About Ballot Harvesting for Ilhan Omar


  11. Anonymous, "A bunch of lying liars who lie". A bit repetitive, but that's OK.

    I watched the video, and if I were that guy, I would deny it too because he is looking at being prosecuted, and that video is the evidence.

    If you want to defend Omar and her crew, be my guest. I think you will find it equivalent to stepping into quicksand.

    Another point: Dan Abrams is hardly an unbiased reporter.

  12. That's right. Everyone who disagrees with you is biased. O'Keefe, who has been sued due to his dishonesty, is a pillar of virtue and objectivity.

  13. Oh look, now a Fox affiliate is reporting that it's a hoax.


    I predict that this will change nothing for you, and you will continue to share everything Project Veritas reports.

  14. The Fox affiliate is not reporting that it is a hoax. It is reporting that the principle named in the story is claiming it's a hoax. Big difference.

  15. Keep on grasping at those straws.

    O'Keefe is a liar but you don't care because he's discrediting people you don't like. Why don't you like them? Because you believe guys like O'Keefe.

    Circular reasoning works because circular reasoning works.

  16. Circular reasoning goes both ways. If you don't want to believe it, don't believe it.

  17. That's not what I'm doing though. I don't distrust O'Keefe because he's conservative or because I disagree with him. I don't trust him because he's a proven liar on multiple occasions, and this is proving to be one more.

    I don't like his tactics no matter who uses them, which is why I brought up Michael Moore. I don't trust him either and for similar reasons.

    You seem to be just fine with your side lying. I just don't like lying.
