Friday, September 25, 2020

Knife Attack in Paris in Front of Ex Office of Charlie Hebdo

Hat tip Paris Match and AJC (Atlanta)


Two people were stabbed today in front of the former office of the Charlie Hebdo satirical news outlet. Two young men, tentatively identified as a Pakistani and an Algerian, are reportedly now in custody. The victims are expected to survive. 

There are still varying reports on the victims and attackers. AJC reports that they are in custody.

This article from Paris Match is translated by Fousesquawk. 

Knife attack in Paris: The lives of the two victims "not in danger"
-Paris Match- Published 9-25-2020 15:04-Updated 9-25-20 17:45

Caption below photo: First responders at work during the attack in the 11th arrondissement (district)
-Reuters/Gonzalo Fuentes

The two victims of the knife attack which took place Friday in the 11th arrondissement (district) are two employees of the France 2 magazine, "Cash Investigation", working for the production company, "Premieres Lignes" (First Lines), located in the former premises of Charlie Hebdo. Their lives "are not in danger", stated the Prime Minister.

Two employees of the France 2 magazine, "Cash Investigation", working for the production company, "Premieres Lignes, were wounded in the knife attack that took place Friday in the former location of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, stated Elise Lucet and an employee of the enterprise. 

Among the wounded, are two employees of the Premieres Lignes Television, the production company that produces notably, "Cash Investigation", declared the host of the broadcast pon France 2, Elise Lucet. "I have the producers and several employees of Premieres Lignes Television on the phone (...), What is confirmed to me now with certainty, is that two of our employees are wounded, a man and a woman,who were wounded by a man on the street in front of the former premises of Charlie Hebdo," she added.

"I heard screams"

One of the employees saw this man running with a butcher's knife or a machete after one of our employees who had already been wounded and was also bloody," stated the journalist.

One employee of Premieres Lignes, contacted by APF (Agence France Press), also testified that two of her colleagues had been wounded in the attack. "Two colleagues were smoking a cigarette in front of the premises on the street. I heard screams. I went to the window and I saw one of my colleagues, stained in blood, being chased by a man with a machete in the street. We know that our two colleagues are wounded, but we don't know any more at the moment," she stated.

The Prime Minister, who went to the scene of the attack in the early afternoon, gave news on the state of health of the hospitalized victims, noting that their lives "are not in danger, thank God." 

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