Monday, June 29, 2020

Here They Come: A Day of Rage at Israeli Consulate

On Wednesday, July 1, the usual collection of Muslim activists and their Jewish flunkie allies will descend on the Israeli consulate in Los Angeles. They are calling it a "Day of Rage". Here is their poster on some dopey blog that has a depiction of Che Guevara on its face page.

Given the title of this event coupled with the current climate, I am hoping and praying there will be no violence. Unquestionably, the LAPD will be out in force.

"We also call on those who support the Palestinian struggle to uplift the Movement for Black Lives here as the best way to express true international solidarity. Palestinian liberation cannot be achieved without Black and Indigenous liberation, without the liberation of all oppressed peoples."

Blah blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack.

This, of course, is an example of the mythical concept of intersectionality that was invented by academic leftists to connect the plight of African-Americans (and every other problem) with that of the "oppressed" Palestinians. It's kind of like discussing the Cambodian influence on German literature.

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