Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Britain's Woes

With all the craziness going on in the US, taking over city blocks and tearing down statues of anybody and everybody, with a man suffering from dementia (Joe Biden) leading in the presidential polls, I could spend this morning writing about what a stupid country we are becoming.

But then again, there is once-Great Britain, where some want to remove the statues of Winston Churchill. Since it is they who are suffering yet another terrorist attack this week, I think I'll write about them-and leave us for another day (tomorrow?)

That brings us to Khairi Saadallah, a 25-year-old pot-smoking Libyan refugee who is charged with stabbing three people to death in a Reading park. It seems that the Brits have now figured out that this was a terrorist attack. Now we are informed that Saadaallah had come to the attention of authorities prior to the attack and had been referred to some miraculous program called Prevent

"An impact assessment commissioned by the Ministry of Justice said that while longer sentences could give terrorists greater opportunity to engage in deradicalisation programmes, there “is a risk of offenders radicalising others during their stays in custody”.
The document also warned that lengthy imprisonment could destroy “protective” relationships with loved ones and increase the risk of reoffending."
Well, jail is obviously not the answer, but there is good news. Citizens can now take a 45-minute online  training course that will enable them to recognize the signs of a jihadist and notify authorities (who will be be so overloaded with such reports, they will do little or nothing).
"You can learn what suspicious behaviour looks like by doing CT Policing’s online course. It takes 45 minutes to complete the course and be in a stronger position to help save lives. Over half a million people have already taken part and I thank you all."

Or you can take the Fousesquawk 45-second course, and learn that the best way to keep the Khairi Saadallahs from killing your fellow citizens is to  keep them out of the country in the first place because there's a good chance they will wake up one day and decide it's a good day to go out and kill those infidels who have given them refuge.

And where do you take this course?

You just did.

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