Tuesday, March 31, 2020

University of California "Speech Guidance": Don't Call It Chinese Virus

Hat tip Campus Reform and Shirley

"It's only guidance"
(Moscow State University)

"Just days after the University of California System issued "guidance" to "not use terms such as ‘Chinese Virus'" and to "not allow the use of these terms by others," free speech experts are weighing in, telling Campus Reform that although these were meant solely as "guidance," they could still impact the free speech of students and faculty alike."
-Campus Reform 

The speech police and diversity czars at the University of California have issued "guidance" to their campuses suggesting that the Corona virus should not be referred to as a "Chinese virus". In response to free speech advocates, the university is insisting that is only guidance.


This is the document in question-see point 12.


12 "Do not use terms such as “Chinese Virus” or other terms which cast either intentional or unintentional projections of hatred toward Asian communities, and do not allow the use of these terms by others. Refer to the virus as either “COVID-19” or “coronavirus” in both oral and written communications."

It has been pretty well established over recent years that many universities have punished teachers, staff and students for using the wrong language. UC can call it guidance all it wants, but when you throw in the words, "not allow the use of these terms by others," you get the point as those who work and/or study at UC no doubt do.

Of course, there is a valid concern that some might lose sight of the fact that it is not Chinese people that should be blamed, but something went horribly wrong in China, and whatever the cause, corrective action needs to be taken-not against the people but perhaps the government of China. Shutting down an honest discussion of the origin of the virus gets us nowhere. You can't fix a problem if you don't identify the source.

In the meantime, maybe we should refer to it as the "Swiss virus". Had it, in fact, originated in Switzerland, there would never be any controversy over calling it the "Swiss virus", would there?

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