Monday, January 27, 2020

German Foreign Minister Tackles Anti-Semitism (Sort of)

Hat tip Algemeiner

Heiko Maas, who is the foreign minister of Germany, has written an op-ed in the German weekly, Der Spiegel, expressing fears that Jews will leave Germany due to rising anti-Semitism.

"The plan calls for creating a network of “commissioners” appointed by the member states to combat antisemitism and secure Jewish sites, fighting online hate speech by legal means, making Holocaust denial a crime and forming a global task force to fight it, and increasing Holocaust education in EU member states."

Is that all? While I have no arguments against the measures mentioned (with the possible exception of making Holocaust denial a EU-wide crime-which I believe it still is in Germany), Haas has seemingly ignored the most important factor which has led to the dramatic increase in anti-Semitism in Germany and Europe; a dramatic increase in Muslim immigration since 2015. Most of the physical attacks against Jews and synagogues in Europe have been perpetrated by Muslims. Aside from the attacks on Christian churches, robberies, rapes, violent crimes, and outright acts of terrorism, Jews have been a particular target of young Muslim men who have recently arrived as migrants, refugees, or asylum-seekers.

Not one word was said in Maas's op-ed as to whom the perpetrators of anti-Semitic acts are. They might as well be ghosts.

Moreover, while Haas and other German officials wring their hands over what is happening to European Jews, the German government continues its policy of bringing in more and more people, many of whom will become the perpetrators. The problem and the risk are increasing every day that this insane policy-led by German Chancellor Angela Merkel- continues.

All Germans, Christians and Jews, are under threat from this wave of Muslim immigration into Europe, an invasion to be more accurate. Not all the immigrants fit into this category to be fair. But the explosion in anti-Semitic acts and other violent crimes corresponds directly with the "refugee" explosion since 2015. Most of the people coming are young, unaccompanied men. That should have set up red flags right there. Apparently, it still hasn't sunk in.

It is encouraging that German officials express concern over the problems being faced by their Jewish citizens. But after all those words, Maas continues to leave out any mention of  who is responsible for the anti-Semitism. Thus, he said nothing.

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