Tuesday, January 28, 2020

"All of Sweden Is a Ghetto"

Hat tip Fria Tider. Translation by Fousesquawk.

The below article reports on a debate on Swedish Television today between Sweden Democrat  leader Jimmie Åkesson and the Minister of Justice and Migration Morgon Johansson. The topic was immigration.


Åkesson: "All of  Sweden Is a Ghetto"

Published 28 January, 2020 at 23:10

Domestic: There are not only "vulnerable areas" in certain places in Sweden. The whole country is such an area, says Swedish Democrat (SD) leader Jimmie Åkesson on SVT (Swedish Television) Aktuellt on Tuesday evening.

On Tuesday evening, Justice and Migration Minister Morgon Johansson (S) and Sweden Democrat party leader Jimmy  Åkesson (SD) met in a debate on SVT Aktuellt 21.

The topic was so called quota refugees.

Johansson wants Sweden to continue filling the country with thousands of people from the third world. Sweden accepts about 5,000 quota refugees every year, mostly from Africa and the Middle East.

Åkesson was of the opposing view.

"Sweden is full," he explained.

Morgon Johansson believes that Jimmie Åkesson lacks empathy because he doesn't want quota refugees. We are talking about the "most vulnerable" people imaginable, he argued. The minister went so far as to suggest that the  SD leader is racist and really doesn't want people from countries that don't look like typical Swedes.

"Don't talk to me about compassion. You chose to prioritize 9,000 adult Afghan men without asylum. Year after year, you prioritize people who should not be here. Where is the compassion for the elders who can not get access to the welfare they are entitled to? Where is the compassion for all who cannot get the care they need? People are dying in health care queues today in Sweden, and you want to bring even more to come here and participate in welfare? There isn't any room for that," answered Åkesson. 

Johansson made a weak effort  coming back as anxious and unsure.  He trembled with his words.

."My opinion is that all of Sweden is a vulnerable area, the SD leader maintained. That statement made Annika Strandhäll (S) go through the roof. Sweden is the best country in the world. That is a fact she believes.

"Åkesson  stands there in Aktuellt and says that all of Sweden is a vulnerable area  today. He should get a counter-question. Thus, Sweden is the land that has the highest reputation in the world. When will the black-painting  SD and right-wing movements devote themselves to meeting factual examination," Strandhäll writes on Twitter.

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