Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Help Juan Cole Make a Difference: Send Him $$$$


It's the season of giving. That means all you lefties who "want to make a difference" need to send your annual Christmas gift (check) to University of Michigan comedian Juan Cole, so he can keep his blog going. If you scroll over to Informed Comment, you will see all kinds of signs asking for money.

As you can see from checking out Informed Comment, there are four things Juan hates, Climate Change, Israel, Trump, and the right. He hates the right so much, he even capitalizes the word "left". (Left) Trust me, it's in the link.

Of course, this is what Juan does every year. He tells you that the future of Eastern civilization depends on keeping Informed Comment above water. This year his goal is $35,000. So far, his supporters, gullible as liberals usually are, have sent him $20,000! Go figure.

And what do you get for your donation? You get articles like this week's gem entitled,

"Would refugee Baby Jesus be torn from Mary's arms by Trump?"


No doubt about it, according to Juan. And if you need a history lesson on the birth of Christ, you don't need the New Testament; this article is just what the doctor ordered. From Herod to the Iranians (presumably not the mullahs), Juan fills in the blanks in almost as many pages as the Bible itself! This article alone is worth $20,000. It all makes me think Juan missed his true calling in life. He should have been a TV evangelist.

Clearly, you can see from the tone of Juan's articles, that he hates our President. I mean, really, what's next, an article comparing Trump's election to 9-11?

Oh wait! What's this?


"It’s in this context that Trump’s could be considered the third hijacking of our era. Given his sense of self, his might even be thought of not as the 1% hijacking moment, but as the .000000001% moment."
-Tom Engelhardt (whoever he is).

I note with irony that this article by Mr Engelhardt in Informed Comment is under the category "Counter Terrorism", yet  refers to President GW Bush's invasion of Afghanistan after 9-11 as launching a war on most of the planet.

"Instead, responding to the destruction of those towers in Manhattan and part of the Pentagon, the Bush administration essentially launched a war against much of the planet." 

Of course, while I supported the invasion of Afghanistan for the purpose of crushing al Qaeda and killing bin Laden, I think it is high time we declare victory and leave that hellhole. But I won't waste any more words on Mr Engelhardt. I'm here to talk about Juan!

For the record, I have been running my own humble little blog for about 12 years now and have never asked anyone for a dime. Nor has anyone offered me a dime. Oh, I get a check of $100 from Adsense every 3-4 years, but that can hardly cover the expenses of having guest editorials from the likes of Tom Engelhardt. Nor will it pay for me to travel to places like China and Morocco to keep my readers abreast of what's going on in the world. 

Oh, before I forget...

"This year everyone who contributes $100 or more to Informed Comment by Paypal will receive a signed copy of my classic, Napoleon’s Egypt." 

Yes, Dear Readers, for $100, you can own a piece of history with Juan's "classic" book about Napoleon's Egypt. Or you can just read Informed Comment for free and enjoy a few yuks.

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