Tuesday, September 24, 2019

President Trump Before the UN

"The future does not belong to globalists. The future belongs to patriots"

President Trump's speech before the UN was a tour de force. There was no flowery, meaningless rhetoric, just a calm 36-minute lesson to the UN that globalism was not going to replace national pride-at least as far as the US was concerned. He made pointed references to China (trade), Iran, and Venezuela (human rights). He bluntly told the UN that the US would continue to build up its military, stand for human rights, and against the push for globalism. All countries should take pride in themselves.

He also spoke out against uncontrolled migration and said that the US was determined to control its borders. He defended Israel and made pointed reference to anti-Semitism. He emphasized the need for religious liberty around the world. Of course,m he did not mention Islam; he didn't need to. Those ambassadors and world leaders in the audience knew who he was talking about.

Of course, on the same day, the little people in the House of Representatives have now forced Nancy Pelosi to support an impeachment inquiry, now based on this whistle blower nonsense. We now know that the "whistle blower" does not possess first-hand knowledge of his/her claim. It is based on second or third hand knowledge. Trump stands "accused" of pressuring the president of Ukraine to (reopen) an investigation into Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, and his relationship to a Ukrainian natural gas company that put him on its board with no expertise in the business or Ukraine. Huge sums of money flowed to Hunter and his US-based company. For what? When a Ukrainian prosecutor  was investigating the company and its practices, then VP Joe Biden, on a visit to Ukraine, told the then president that if he didn't fire the prosecutor within 6 hours, Ukraine was not getting one billion dollars in US loan guarantees. The prosecutor was fired. That apparently is the genesis of Trump's conversation with the current Ukrainian president, the unredacted transcripts of which will be released tomorrow. And the Democrats now want to use this issue to impeach Trump? What will full disclosure do to Joe Biden, who is running for president? Biden, for his part, is hotly denying it all, saying that it was fully looked into and dismissed. Problem is we have Biden's full admission of what he did in Ukraine in getting the prosecutor fired. It's all on videotape.

What a contrast between what happened in New York today vs what happened in Washington. Whatever you think of Trump and his style, he stood tall for his country today. The coup plotters in Washington look mighty small in comparison. This latest attempt to submarine Trump may backfire on them even worse than the Russian collusion farce.

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