Friday, March 22, 2019

University of South Dakota: Hawaiian Day or Beach Day

An anonymous reader sent me this, and I thought I would share it. South Dakota is a long way from Hawaii, but if you can't get there, you can at least have a Hawaiian  day on campus, right?

Wrong. When a group of students tried to organize said event, they were told that it was "culturally insensitive" (the news reports say "incentive" for some reason) and should change it to "Beach Day". However, thanks to a new state law governing free speech and President Trump's new executive order, USD is back-tracking fast.

Here is more on the South Dakota law.

Let's be sane here: There is no rioting going on in Honolulu over this. A proper response would be if students at the University of Hawaii had a South Dakota day. I don't know what the hell they would do, maybe dress up like cowboys or wear Mt Rushmore faces.

As for the little rascals back in South Dakota, maybe they should just schedule a North Dakota Day. Again, I have no idea what they would do.

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