Friday, March 1, 2019

Italy: Salvini and Northern League, Wives and Children Threatened with Death

This week, Italy's Northern League achieved an electoral victory in Sardinia. Now, one of their offices in Sardinia has received a chilling video calling for the killing of Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, all of the members of his party (Northern League), as well as their wives and children.

The below article is translated by Fousesquawk as well as the video. Editing and sub-titling by Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes. * The video is still being sub-titled and will be added later today.

* Here it is:

Shocking threat against the (Northern) League: "Kill women and children"

The video disseminated online" Kill women and children of the League so no more will be born". Salvini: "How disgusting, what a disgrace. Zero tolerance"

The threat arrives directly inside an office of the League. A shocking video (that surfaced) at Oristano (Sardinia), full of hate against (Northern League)

"Salvini- shit, kill women and children of the League, so that no more will be born." is heard the creator of the film which is now making the rounds on social (media).

Only a few days ago, Il Giornale had noted how the alleged  wave of hate, which-according to the left- was invading the country, in reality was being manifested against the (Northern) League and its secretary. The interior minister  has for months been targeted with threats, offensive writings, intimidating letters, and provocations. There are those who urge his shooting and those who burn his effigy. Others smear walls (and League offices) with offensive (words) and insults. This time, however, it seems to be something more.

It is not yet clear who has made the video or where it was filmed. But the intimidations are clear and attack not only the minister or a candidate, but "women and children" of a party so that "no more will be born". "How disgusting. What a disgrace,"- Salvini comments on his social (site)- "I hope that this idiot will be punished in an exemplary manner. For those who use politics to wish for the deaths of mothers and children, zero tolerance." (See video here)

Salvini and the NL are winning big in Italy. They are the main force in Italy's resistence to further uncontrolled immigration. They are fighting both the EU and now the real threat of violence from the left.

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