Monday, November 19, 2018

UCLA Protest Against SJP (Cont.)

Hat tip Adam Milstein

Courtesy of Adam Milstein (Facebook), I am cross-posting the video of LA City Councilman Paul Koretz speaking this weekend at a protest at UCLA regarding the national conference of Students for Justice in Palestine, which, much to the embarrassment of UCLA and its feckless chancellor, Gene Block, took place over the weekend on the Westwood campus.

1 comment:

  1. I grew up in religious day school, Torah and my relationship to HaShem the guiding posts of my life. Every day I aim to Sanctify G-d's name through my actions, Kiddush HaShem.

    I applaud UCLA for permitting the conference to stand on the grounds of free speech.

    Zionism is not Judaism, the greatest fear of the Rabbis early on, was that it would replace Judaism, and for many Jews I believe it has.

    Criticizing the policies of the modern state of Israel, is not anti-Semitism.

    There is a book recently out by Satmar, ultra-orthodox, yet anti-Zionists that is good.

    We are in exile, the Shechina fled the Holy Temples because of the in-fighting, Moshiach is to return us to the Holy land.

    The settlement building needs to stop, it is theft, the occupation has to end, the oppressing of another is against our Holy Torah.

    AirBNB, just removed its listings from West Bank and Israel is attempting to use U.S. anti-BDS laws, that never should have been passed, (they violate free speech and legitimate boycott rights and freedom of religion, for anti- Zionist Jews), against it.

    Conflating Judaism and Zionism is a terrible idea, one that I hope does not come home to haunt us.

    Bravo to UCLA for making the right call under such difficult circumstances with a petition using fear mongering - relating the conference to the Pittsburgh massacre, and a City Council request to cancel it.

    Total respect, because this act honors Jews and the civil liberties as Americans we hold dear.

    Zionism is not Judaism and criticizing Israel's policies is not anti-Semitic.
