Thursday, November 29, 2018

Pitzer College Faculty Tries to Block Students Who Want to Study in Israel

The movement to boycott Israel-and its academic institutions and scholars has reached outrageous proportions in US academia. Recently, it was the refusal of a University of Michigan professor to write a letter of recommendation for a student who wanted to study in Israel. Now the faculty of Pitzer College (Claremont, California) has voted to reject any effort by their students to study in Israel. In response, the AMCHA Initiative, a California-based organization that exposes and fights campus anti-semitism, has addressed the issue.

The faculty at Pitzer apparently have no objection to students who want to study in Syria, Iraq, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea, or other nations that ignore human rights. No, they only object to students who want to study in Israel.

But just imagine an organized group of professors at any institution who decide that they are going to block their students from studying in a particular country because they don't like that country or agree with its policies or politics. This is just another academic embarrassment, not just to Pitzer, but to academia in general.

Of all the countries in the world with horrific human rights policies, these cretins with PhDs single out Israel, the tiny Jewish state that is the only democracy in the Middle East, the only country that affords full freedom of religion to all its citizens, equal rights to it's women, and equal rights to its gays.

Of course it has nothing to do with Jew hatred. Nothing at all.

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