Sunday, November 25, 2018

Chaos at Border as Migrants Try to Storm Crossing at Tijuana

Hat tip for above video Nota la Neta

Caption: Caravan of migrants
Hondurans uncontrolled
in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico

Honduran migrants run toward the (crossing) of San Ysidro
Wanting to enter the US by force

We can finally drop the mask about those thousands of Honduran and other Central American migrants, mostly young men, trying to get into the US. Today, many of them tried to storm the border crossing at Tijuana as they broke through Mexican police trying to restrain them. US agents fired tear gas to drive them back.

San Diego's KOGO radio has reported that border authorities azre advising people who need to cross (legally) to use alternate ports of entry other than the major port of San Ysidro/Tijuana.

We don't know all the details yet, but enough is enough. This should prove once and for all that we need secure borders. President Trump is threatening to close the border, and if that is what it takes, I support that. In addition, the Mexican government needs to stop facilitating this movement through its country to our border.

This week, Tijuana's police chief, Mario Martinez, was widely criticized after he stated that "75% of the migrants had the characteristics of thugs". It appears he was absolutely correct.

Nobody wants to see people get hurt, but those parents who put their children at risk in such a situation deserve no sympathy. It is they who are responsible for any physical or emotional trauma their children may have suffered.

1 comment:

  1. Why Central Americans think they have a right to invade the USA is beyond me. If an American goes into Mexico for a longer period of time, beyond a vacation, he or she would be arrested and put in jail.
    The President has a right to protect the nation from invaders. Check Article 2 of the US Constitution for the details. Media should make themselves aware of Presidential powers, under the Constitution.


    P.S. Gary, give Squid a call.
