Monday, September 24, 2018

The Ones Who Can Save Europe

As Western Europe continues to suffer an Islamic invasion, which threatens to destroy its social fabric and its very identity, there is hope. Center-right parties, opposed to unlimited immigration and migration from Islamic countries and horrified by the costs in welfare and crime, has risen dramatically in popularity. Unfortunately,  with the exception of Italy and Austria, the leaders and their parties who have opened up the floodgates, remain in power.

Below, I have provided videotapes of Western European leaders (and one Eastern European leader-Viktor Orban of Hungary) speaking on the subject of unbridled migration and the abuses of the EU. These videos may or may not be recent, but their message is very current. They are all sub-titled.

I say Western Europe because it is the Eastern European members of the EU, only recently liberated from the yoke of the old USSR and communism, who are standing fast against mass migration of Muslims into their countries.

First is Geert Wilders, leader of the Dutch Freedom party. Below he debates those in the Dutch parliament who want no limits on immigration.

Next is Italy's Matteo Salvini, leader of the Northern League and now interior minister. He is a fierce critic of the EU, the euro, and continued mass migration into Italy. It is he who is trying to stop migrant ships from landing in Italian ports.

Next is Jimmie Akesson, leader of the Sweden Democrats.

Next is France's Marine LePen, of the National Front, who lost in the last French election.

Next is British politician Nigel Farage, a supporter of Donald Trump. He heads the UKIP party, and, as a delegate to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, is a regular basher of the EU and its leaders.

Viktor Orban, the president of Hungary, stands firm on the question of Islamic migration. He will not allow it into Hungary. He is under increasing pressure from the EU, but refuses to give in.

 In addition to Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland are also refusing to accept "their fair share" of Muslim migrants.

In addition, the center right coalition government of Austria under Chancellor Sebastian Kurz is resisting the flow of Islamic migration.

Below is a very short excerpt of Kurz speaking on immigration.

Kurz, in this short excerpt, speaks of the slow assimilation process of people from "culturally distant regions". One might counter that in our country, people from culturally distant regions like Japan, China, Korea etc. have assimilated very quickly and very well-as they would in Austria or other European countries. But it is the regions mentioned by Kurz (Turkey, Chechnya and Afghanistan), that are problematic. (Turks have assimilated in Europe with varying degrees of success.) In other words, it is those from Islamic societies who have the slowest rate of assimilation. In fact, many are showing no wish to assimilate. Turks in Europe are increasingly embracing the Islamic, non-Western visions of Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Here is another clip with Kurz.

Of course, the elephant in the room is Germany, where Chancellor Angela Merkel has led the way in opening the floodgates. Merkel has the blood of innocent Germans on her hands, people murdered/raped by immigrants from the Middle East, Africa, Afghanistan etc. The principle opposition party is the new Alternatif fuer Deutschland, (Alternative for Germany).

Keep an eye on these figures and parties. They provide the best hope of turning this crisis around. It is up to the voters to support them.

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