Saturday, August 11, 2018

Statement from Siraj Wahhaj's Mosque

A spokesman for the Masjid at Taqwa mosque in Brooklyn, where Siraj Wahhaj is imam, is speaking out in defense of the imam in the wake of the New Mexico desert discovery of 11 children (plus one dead) living in starvation conditions with five adults, three of whom are children of Siraj Wahhaj Sr. Ali Abdul-Karim Judan claims that reports about the compound are an attempt to discredit Islam. He maintains that it is a domestic situation and disputes claims that the children were being trained to shoot weapons in preparation for assaults on schools. Judan also claims the media is propagating false claims about Imam Wahhaj and refers to the tactics of the "government" in targeting groups of people.

Below is a link to the Facebook page of the mosque with a 25-minute video of Junat speaking.

Here is more from Judan's own Facebook page.

Fousesquawk comment:

In terms of the mainstream media's reporting on this case, there are really only two negative aspects of Imam Wahhaj being reported; first, his status as a unindicted co-conspirator in the World Trade Center attack of 1993, and second, his appearing as a defense witness for the so-called Blind Sheikh, Omar Abdel Rahman. What is left out in the media reporting is Wahhaj's complete history of radical statements, calling America a "filthy garbage can", referring to arming Uzis and 9mm's to people (after arming them with "knowledge"), and Islam taking over America. You won't hear any of that on CNN and the rest of the mainstream media.

While I have written all that here on this site, I have been careful to note that we have as yet no information connecting the imam to whatever wrongdoing occurred by his children in the New Mexico desert. He claims he cooperated with law enforcement from day one.

As far as Judan's statement, it is rambling, self defensive, and lays blame on law enforcement (who saved the children) and "the government". As to whether police and/or the FBI held off for months in going into that compound, we need to await more facts. I only ask that a full investigation is done no matter where it leads.

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