Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Fergie Nails it

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I remember back in the 1960s when the Detroit Tigers had a beautiful (recorded) rendition of the National Anthem they use to play before their home games. It was by a symphony orchestra, and it was one of the best I have ever heard. Unfortunately, I never could retrieve it in the Internet.

Fast forward to the NBA All Star game last week at the Staples Center in Los Angeles when the singer soon-to-be-formerly- known as Fergie butchered the National Anthem in a style not heard since Rosanne Barr drove 20,000 fans out of a Padres game before it even began.

Image result for german beer drinking songs
"Fergie! Who the F--- is Fergie?"

For those who have not yet heard Fergie LNU, here it is with a few sound bites from the old Jim Healy radio show in LA. 

Good thing those soldiers behind her didn't have loaded rifles; they might have put an end to this midway through. Thinking of Colin Kaepernick, I'm not sure I would stand for this either. Seriously, the National Anthem is not a hard rock or a blues song. It is our National Anthem, and I get sick and tired of hearing some pop singer twisting the melody until nobody knows it from an air raid siren. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all.

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