Thursday, January 18, 2018

UC Berkeley Still Trying to Get Illegal Alien Student Released

Hat tip The College Fix

Image result for storming the bastille
"Free Luis!"

The saga of Luis Mora, a UC Berkeley student in ICE custody, continues. UCB Chancellor Carol Christ is doing everything short of engineering a jail break to get Mora released.

Mora overstayed his visa after his reported effort to gain DACA status was rejected. Yet UCB continues to expend tax-payer funded time and resource to get him out of jail. Apparently, the University of California under the tenure of UC President Janet Napolitano feels that university campuses are sanctuaries ("safe spaces" ) from the law.

They are not.

1 comment:

  1. Napolitano protects illegals and expends human and financial resources to protect these lawbreakers. Yet, she allows Jew hatred to explode on her UC campuses. Typical Progressive high level government employee.

