Tuesday, January 9, 2018

The Modern Language Association and BDS

Hat tip The Israel Group

The Modern Language Association is an organization made up of academics engaged in the teaching of language. Thus, you might ask why they are so consumed with the idea of embracing the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions movement against Israel.

This past weekend, a meeting was being held by MLA-BDS proponents at New York University. Cary Nelson, a past president of the American Association of University Professors and an opponent of BDS tried to attend what was advertised as open to the public.  They tried to boot him out.


I am familiar with a couple of these professors in the article, Judith Butler of UC Berkeley and David Palumbo-Liu of Stanford. I have seen both of them speak at UC Irvine in recent years. I had a chance to ask Butler a question during the q and a when she spoke. In Palumbo-Liu's case, we took him to task for a false statement he made. Both of these people are agenda-driven ideologues who, in my opinion, play fast and loose with the facts in their zeal to discredit Israel.

By the way, I never did get an answer from Butler to the written question I sent her.

It must be frustrating to honest language teachers who have joined this organization to have to put up with ideological nonsense like this which has nothing to do with language.

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