Monday, January 22, 2018

The Confederate State of California

Hat tip Total Conservative

"Becerra warned that said prosecution could result in legal consequences for employers in violation of California’s new “sanctuary state” law. Specifically, they could be found liable for up to $10,000 in fines if they lend a helping hand to Immigration and Customs Enforcement authorities. Thanks to the new law, employers are held to a set of requirements that did not exist prior to January 1, when the legislation officially went into effect."

Javier Becerra is the attorney general of California. In defiance of our federal immigration laws, he he attempting to enforce a new state law that would prosecute employers for cooperating with immigration authorities in regards to illegal aliens.

I don't even think the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals could uphold a law like this. In fact, this is so over the top that I think the Justice Department needs to step in now. Becerra should be prosecuted.

1 comment:

  1. I think the state law has as much chance of surviving judicial review as would a state law in 1963 forbidding cooperation with federal school integration mandates.

    But it would be interesting to see California pass a narrowly written statute providing severe penalties for employers who knew or should have known that they were hiring individuals not legally authorized to work in the United States, and who then called in immigration authorities when such employee either became injured on the job, or filed a grievance, or signed a union authorization card... How would you feel about that, Gary?
