Monday, December 11, 2017

Pro-Palestinian Rage (Yawn)

Hat tip Investigative Project on Terrorism

Image result for muslim rage

This article first appeared in Eagle Rising.

The Investigative Project on Terrorism has a great piece running today listing the howls of protest from pro-Palestinian forces in the US over President Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

First and foremost in the IPT article is the always irritating Linda Sarsour, a fast-rising star among leftist whiners. She is a Palestinian-American and frequent basher of Israel. Many of her utterances have crossed the line into sheer anti-semitism. How refreshing to read that Trump doesn't speak for her.

As if we elected Trump to speak for Linda Sarsour.

Then there is Jewish Voice for Peace, who really should call themselves Jewish Misfits for the Eradication of Israel. They are a despicable bunch who have linked arms with those who want to destroy Israel and wipe it off the map. Moreover, they don't even believe in free speech. Like their brothers-in arms, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), their tactics are intimidation and disruption.

And speaking of Students for Justice in Palestine, one of the groups also mentioned in IPT's article, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), was co-founded by the same guy who founded SJP, the odious professor at UC Berkeley, Hatem Bazian, a Palestinian-American who came to the US for his education, called for an intifada in the US and once reportedly told a student audience to go and count the number of buildings on their campus with Jewish names on them. In fact, SJP is largely funded by AMP.

And then there is the unindicted co-conspirator organization (Holy Land Foundation trial in Dallas 2007-2008), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and its despicable director, Nihad Awad. This week wouldn't be complete without the oily Mr Awad condemning Trump's move.

But wait a minute! If I recall correctly, a few years ago, CAIR's Southern California director, Hussam Ayloush, told a "reporter" that CAIR did not involve itself in the conflicts and  affairs of the Middle East.

I guess Ayloush never got the memo.

At any rate, I agree with the President's move, and my belief is reinforced when I read of the objections of the above characters and their despicable organizations.

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