Saturday, December 23, 2017

Nikki Haley Stands Tall Before the UN

This article first appeared in Eagle Rising.

Some are calling this week's UN resolution condemning the US for recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital (which it is) as a big defeat for President Trump. I disagree. Instead we can take great pride in our UN ambassador, Nikki Haley, who politely told this collection of cowardly and corrupt half-nations that it is not they who decide where America will place its embassies. It is the US who decides.

Haley also reminded the diplomatic leeches that it is the US who finances the largest share of the UN's budget and the US who provides more in foreign aid than anybody. That foreign aid will be reevaluated, she said.

What a refreshing difference from Susan Rice and Samantha Power, President Obama's ambassadors to the UN. When did they ever stand up and defend our country in front of this corrupt body? They were both too busy prying into the communications of political opponents, specifically, the Trump campaign team. They were part of a feckless administration that spent 8 years apologizing for America's past actions.

President Trump has not suffered a defeat. It is the UN who has suffered a defeat. The American people have once again been reminded of how corrupt and anti-Israel the UN is.

I recognize that many of the countries who voted against us did so for purely domestic consumption. Some privately would have liked to support us but felt they couldn't for various local and regional reasons. Many countries didn't vote at all, which is a positive. I don't expect massive cuts in foreign aid. I do hope there will be at the very least a symbolic reduction in foreign aid to certain countries as well as a significant reduction in funding to the UN. Frankly, I would like to see the UN collapse and reformed as a body of free, democratic countries. One of Haley's best lines today was reminding her audience that unlike many of their governments, the US Government is responsible to its citizens.

Ambassador Haley is serving her country well at the UN. I believe and I hope that President Trump has bigger things in store for her in his administration. She personifies the President's America First theme. Think what you will of Trump's style, which I often disagree with, but he and Haley are patriots who are tired of other countries walking over us. A strong America is the best hope for world peace. We have shown that this week in the UN.


  1. Well said Gary! There is a real Leader in the White House who is setting the world straight. No more bending over backwards to the Globalist whims. MAGA is now the cry in the land.


  2. And Happy Holidays to you, Squid. Things are looking up.

  3. The same back to you Gary and Happy New Year!

