Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Milan: The Case of the "Grateful" Gambian

Hat tip Vlad Tepes

As we continue our discussion about the "war on Christmas", a heartwarming story comes to us from Milan, where they set up a Christmas display in front of the Central Train Station. A 21-year-old migrant from Gambia was apparently so offended by the tree that he was arrested while climbing to the top to remove that....offensive cross.


My translation from the above article in Il Messeggero:

Climbs up Christmas Tree on the Square to remove Cross: Migrant Arrested-

A 21-year-old from Gambia climbed up the Christmas tree in Piazza Duca D'Aosta in front of the Central (Train) Station of Milan in order to remove the cross. The young man, in an agitated state, was stopped before succeeding in his goal and was taken to the Questura (police headquarters) to be identified and charged.

The episode occurred Friday only announced on Saturday. "After the Tunisian Gate right in the middle of the square, now we missed an African citizen who tried to remove the symbols of Christmas", commented Riccardo De Corato, ex- vice mayor of Milan and group leader of Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy) in Lombardy Region. "And all this, he added, happens on the day that the  (Government) says yes to the exhibition of a migrant boat in Milano, an operation that will cost 500 million Euros."

The reference to the Tunisian Gate is an artificial Islamic gate placed by the city in the same square, which offended many like Mr De Corrado. The reference to the boat exhibition refers to a migrant rescue boat that sank in 2015 with the loss of 700 lives. It was salvaged and is to be put on display in Milan. 

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