Saturday, December 30, 2017

Malmö: Swedish Cop Car Blown up Outside Station

Hat tip Fria Tider

If you want to know how bad things are in Sweden's third largest city, it's this bad. They are blowing up police cars right in front of the station now.

Police car blown up outside police station in Malmö-Two arrested

Publ. 29 December 2017, 20:24

 A police car that stood parked outside a police station in Malmö was blown up Friday evening. That's what was described by police on their home page. The detonation was very strong. Two young suspects were arrested in connection with the crime scene.

It was around 19:30  on Friday, when the police car that was parked outside the police station on  in Sallerupsvägen in Malmö was subjected to a detonation of some kind.

"There is a lot of  damage to the police car," write the police on their home page.

It must have been an extremely strong bang.

"It sounded ridiculously strong, and smoke is coming coming from the hood of the car" said a witness who lives in the vicinity to Aftonbladet and pointed out that it sounded much stronger than a new years eve explosive.

A large surrounding area around the police car was blocked off and crime technicians and personnel from the national bomb squad were dispatched to the scene.

Two men, born 1991 and 1995 were arrested in connection with the crime scene. They are suspected for involvement in the explosion. The investigation is continuing with, among others,  house searches, interviews with witnesses and review of surveillance tapes, the police state.

No persons were injured.

No motive for the attack is known as yet.

Let me fill in a couple of blanks. The two young men arrested are undoubtedly Muslim males. The motive? I'll give you a hint: They were not protesting global warming.

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