Tuesday, December 12, 2017

CAIR, Family of NY Bomber "Outraged" at Police

Hat tip Daily Caller

If you are outraged at yesterday's attempted bombing attack in New York by a Bangladeshi Muslim (who had come to the US courtesy of chain migration ) wait till you read this.

CAIR in New York, speaking on behalf of the family of Akayed Ullah, is outraged at the actions of police.


First of all, let me remind you that President Trump is trying to put a stop to chain migration F-4 visas, which allow legal resident aliens to bring family members to the US, putting these people ahead of would be immigrants based on merit and skills we need. That is the very reason this scumbag was in the US to begin with.

Secondly, it was the quick action by police that, among other more positive things, probably saved the life of this dirtbag.

Thirdly, we now learn that in addition to trying to kill Americans for ISIS, this douchebag chose Times Square because of all the Christmas decorations, apparently something that offended his Muslim sensibilities.

I cannot run out of expletive-deleteds to express my own outrage at this arrogance. (I've already run out of bags.)

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