Thursday, December 7, 2017

Al Franken's Tasteless Resignation

Al Franken today announced his resignation. True to form, he did it in a tasteless fashion, trying to cast doubt on whether he really was guilty of anything and pointing the finger at President Trump and Roy Moore for their transgressions.

CNN's Chris Cillizza says it best in this article.

What Franken fails to realize is that it doesn't matter what anyone else has done. It matters what he has done himself. He is resigning only because his Democratic support has collapsed. In fact, the Democrats in forcing Franken and John Conyers to resign while Roy Moore continues to campaign with Republican support (however faint it may be) are acting shrewdly.

As for Franken, let him be remembered for what he is: a comedian, lousy senator, sexual predator and his new nickname from one of his victims who was forced to endure Franken's tongue in her mouth against her will.



  1. I'm assuming that you support Franken stepping down over these allegations.

    Do you think that Trump and Moore should step down as well?

    Would you say that what they did is just as bad, not as bad, or worse?

  2. I am not declaring anybody innocent of all charges. With Franken, you have photographic proof. With Trump you have the Access Hollywood tape. He was elected in spite of it and now his enemies want to remove him from office for any reason they can think of. Moore seems to me to be a creep. Yet today, we have an admission from one of Moore's accusers that she doctored/wrote part of that yearbook inscription herself. Now we have that guy Franks resigning because he spoke about surrogacy with two female staffers. I have no idea what the full story is here.

    Let's face it. If you want role models, go to Heaven.

  3. Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women. (Let's not forget that women have come forward about his assaults along with stories of him walking in on beauty pageant changing rooms.) We know that Moore wasn't allowed in the shopping mall because of his reputation for harassing teenage girls.

    I can completely get on board with condemning Franken. But it's hypocrisy to hammer away at him and wave away the problems with Moore and Trump.

  4. There is hypocrisy all around. Remember Teddy Kennedy and Chappaquitick? Remember all the allegations about Bill Clinton? Truth be known most of the senators and congresspeople in Washington are jerks. But what do you do if the voters of Alabama elect Moore? And do you remove Trump for things that were alleged during the campaign and the voters elected him anyway? And don't hang your hat on Russian collusion because that appears going nowhere.

    Frankly, I don't know where to begin and where to stop with all this crap. But the Dems were smart to kick Conyers and Franken under the bus during the Moore campaign. And there has been a lot of Republican resistance to Moore.
