Saturday, December 2, 2017

ABC, Behar Blow It

The Michael Flynn story and the investigation into Trump/Russian "collusion" in the 2016 presidential campaign is getting downright funny. Special prosecutor Robert Mueller has uncovered nothing that we know of, but he is proceeding to obtain indictments against former Trump associates for lying about peripheral issues. Flynn is just one example.

ABC News' ace investigative reporter Brian Ross erroneously reported that Flynn was prepared to testify that candidate Trump had directed him to contact the Russians. That statement was rushed out on stage to The View co-host and co-buffoon, Joy Behar, who read it on air, threw it in the air and proclaimed victory. It was the smoking gun, the missing tape moment. The Titanic had arrived in New York Harbor. Yes!

Except it wasn't. ABC and Ross had to correct the statement. It was President-elect Trump who reportedly directed Flynn to reach out to the Russians, a huge distinction.

Sorry, Joy. The touchdown doesn't count. There was a holding call.     




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