Saturday, November 25, 2017

Rusty Kennedy Hangs Up His Spurs

And who is Rusty Kennedy, you ask?

You don't wanna know.

But you will because Rusty is the topic of the article. That's because Rusty is retiring after spending the last 4 decades at the public trough heading up the Orange Country Human Relations Commission as well as something just recently created called the Orange County Human Relations Council, .
The latter was designed to confuse the OC Board of Supervisors and the public at large who were demanding to know where the public money was going and the justification to continue funding these white elephant organizations.

Now, perhaps, seeing the writing on the wall, Rusty is retiring.

I have been vilified and praised often by the same people at different times, so it’s the irony of putting ourselves between difficult conflicts and trying to find common ground,” he said."

I'll say, and count me as one of his critics. I first encountered Kennedy in 2008 when someone suggested I write to him with my concerns about anti-semitism at UC Irvine, where I was teaching part-time. What a mistake that was.

Subsequently, I leanrned that Kennedy was nothing but a liberal hack who could care less about anti-semitism at UC Irvine. And why should he? Rusty is a supporter of the Palestinian cause. Why do I say that? Because Rusty trotted off to South Africa to participate as OUR representative in the 2001 Durban conference that accused Israel of all kinds of human rights violations. He also reportedly found time to help fete Yasir Arafat on the occasion of his being given the Nobel Peace Prize (for some inexplicable reason). Rusty picks and chooses among his victims in the time-honored, politically-correct manner.

But if Rusty had his enemies, he also had plenty of friends. Like Muzammil Siddiqi, the head imam at the Garden Grove mosque, who Rusty awarded with one of his annual "Rusty" awards for being a "bridge builder". Never mind that Siddiqi has allowed his mosque to be used for the Students for Justice in Palestine and UC Irvine Muslim Student Union to  assemble their mock "apartheid wall" at the annual may bash-Israel week of events. This is the same imam who hosted the so-called Blind Sheikh (Omar Abdel Rahman) at his mosque in 1992 and allowed him to give a  sermon which he (Siddiqi) translated. Some bridge builder.

And what did we get for all the funding to the OCHRC over the decades? Aside from press conferences and statements to the press, we got a thin pamphlet every year with charts representing Orange County's  number of hate crimes perpetrated by this group against that group along with dire warnings that there was a 20% increase in hate crimes by group A against group B (from 4 to 5)-or some such nonsense. 

Now that the old lion is stepping down, maybe the OC Board of Supervisors will get up enough courage to put this/these organization(s) to bed once and for all. We don't need them. The people of Orange County get along pretty well, and there is nothing to suggest that it is thanks to Rusty Kennedy.

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