Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Rutgers Campus Newspaper Grossly Downplays Professor's Anti-Semitism

Rutgers professor Michael Chikindas is under fire for posting vicious anti-Jewish images on his Facebook page as well as expressing vile statements  about Jews like blaming the 1915 Armenian massacre in  Turkey on Turkish Jews.

A student petition is under way at Rutgers calling for the suspension of Chikindas. Below is the description of this story by the campus paper, the Daily Targum. It grossly downplays the nature of Chikindas posts as being a criticism of Israel.


Mere criticism of Israel? Not anti-Jewish?

It is clear that Rutgers has no clue as what to do about Chikindas. It has also shown they are unable to do anything about anti-semitism on their campus in general as evidenced by many recent anti-Jewish incidents there over the past few years.

It is too bad that the campus paper, Daily Targum, is unwilling to let its readers know the true nature of Chikindas' rants against Jews-not just Zionists, not just Israelis, but Jews in general. Instead they are more interested in printing Chikinda's protestations of being free from anti-Jewish bias when he clearly is not.


  1. Why do presidents and Boards of universities allow anti-Semitic professors teach their students. Rutgers, an excellent university where I taught for over twenty years has a significant number of professors who espouse anti-Semitic rhetoric, many of whom support the actions of terrorist groups intent on the destruction of Israel. Rutgers University has 7000 Jewish students. Meetings with university officials have not accomplished anything. The university maintains their stance as freedom of speech. As Jews, every Rabbi in this country should speak out when this occurs at any university. Unfortunately many of my colleagues spend their time protesting issues which will not save Judaism or help Israel.Major Jewish donors must refuse to donate to Universities which hire these anti-Semitic professors. Jews should write letters of protest to the schools and local Jewish organizations and Rabbis. Remember, it is your children and grandchildren who are being affected.
    Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg

  2. Rabbi,

    You are correct. I have suggested that Jewish donors cease giving to universities with these issues. In addition, many of your colleagues (rabbis and pastors) are too busy holding interfaith events with the same people who want to destroy Israel and impose Islam on the rest of us. They are unwilling to address Islamic anti-semitism and prefer to lay all the blame on the KKK, neo-Nazis, alt-right and Trump supporters.

    Writing letters is fine and I have written my share and signed my share of petitions, but what is needed now is lawsuits when Jewish students are not afforded equal protection.
